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Re: Stuff to follow

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:14 am
by SlickWilly
I'm glad to see people like AvE and The Delray Misfits show up on in this thread.
I will plug InRangeTV and ForgottenWeapons. InrangeTV does a ton of fun stuff about guns, usually more modern practical shooting advice and testing. Karl does do some shitposting from time to time as well.
Forgotten Weapons is the absolute best gun content you will find on youtube. The presentation is direct but comfy and Ian brings a ton of information about the mechanics, development and politics that surround rare and unique firearms. Great content even if you don't like guns.
Rex Imperator is the only political "Intellectual" I watch anymore.
u m a m i. A brilliant animator. Interface is a masterpiece, but I think my favorite animation is 'Cycle of Life'.

Re: Stuff to follow

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:18 pm
by GoGoNuts
idk if anyone said this already but everybody should definitely watch Value Select.

The creator is mostly a one man show that will occasionally use his friends for short comedy/music skits that are usually no longer then a minute (a handful are 10 minute comedy epics)
the material is actually funny and not pandering to a lib crowd politically like most comedy YouTube channels. But the channel isn't edgy in a weird way.
This video was my first into to his channel that made me sub.

Re: Stuff to follow

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:04 pm
by weaksausage
Always good to have a few recipes from a lady who lived through the depression.

I feel like this series of videos was made by a college film student who decided to film his Grandma making food. It's very sweet in my opinion.