Best Book You Read Latey

General posts about Dagger, books, vidcons, anime, TV, the ongoing collapse of western civilization and Don's student loans. no politics
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by palimpsest » Wed May 22, 2019 3:21 am

I appreciate that, thank you. I haven't considered print. I published the ebook on amazon. My promotion has been fairly non existent so far. Any suggestions?
Loud Speakers MC wrote:
Thu May 02, 2019 12:08 am
This is outstanding. Have you considered bringing it to print?
palimpsest wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:20 pm
I'll shill my own:

A novella dedicated to the memory of the r/mde sub.

North America, 2080. Air toxification and global warming have forced the two hundred million citizens who survived the Civil War into comfortable but oppressive underground cities. A small techno-elite living under town-sized domes rules over them from above. The Chinese Empire allied with the Silicon Valley leftist authoritarians in the 2040s to defeat the America First opposition, form the Corporate Coalition of North America and replace the constitutional government with an AI-assisted dictatorship. AI speech sensors across the underground cities detect breaches of the Offense & Criticism Act of 2064, which forbids male speech and actions “intended for unauthorized humorous effect” and ‘harmful' criticism. The Coalition renamed male laughter ‘manic oppression’. All underground men except a small percentage of specialized Alphas must take Posimasc medication, which severely dulls their masculine instincts. The Toxic Masculinity Act of 2065 prohibits men from behaviour defined as such by the Coalition, such as anger, aggression and lust. Under-Toronto citizen Caleb Thompson is growing frustrated with the drudgery and absurdity of life underground. Meanwhile, former comedian Alexavier White, now a Corporate Coalition late night talk show host who lives under the Los Angeles dome, is becoming disillusioned with his role as a shill for the elites. This story of dystopian surveillance, censorship and control echoes many of our present-day worries but leaves behind a glimmer of hope for those who celebrate the free and independent American spirit.

I've just read both of the Alan Partridge books - comfy reads if anyone is a fan of the character. ... _Partridge
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Loud Speakers MC
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by Loud Speakers MC » Wed May 22, 2019 3:44 am

Ultimately: be your own agent, supervise your own bookmaking, and manage your own literal bookkeeping.

I will tell you how I have done print media in the past when working overseas: self publish, keep it local, keep it clean, keep it neat, publish it in a way that makes it manageable for you as though you didn't have some large publishing company at your disposal (because at some point, you might not).

I will give you a real world example. When Clinton Keith Ruiz was murdered in Afghanistan in October 2012 by an Afghan Police officer who was actually Taliban, we had printing capabilities that would allow us to push out Wanted posters of his murderer faster than if we had gone through higher level production and printing services. Instead, we used what we had at our disposal, and the message that a fugitive murderer was on the loose went out to the local populace faster. A bunch of Sergeants, me included, and a Captain, worked long into the night, printing out these posters on A sized paper coming out hot from a 3 color printing press, and we were cutting and trimming posters and handbills of the murderer's face until we had what we were told was a sufficient amount to strategically disseminate throughout our area in Afghanistan.

I've been in and out of mass media and multimedia production since high school, whether it was learning it in school, working with my dad over a summer in a print shop, and the stuff I did in the Army in mass media. I did a radio DJ training course in 4th or 5th grade at this entrepreneur academy set up in Tampa Bay for school aged kids to learn about business. Point is, I've been exposed to this stuff since childhood, and the main point I realized over the last 2 decades is to try to maintain as much control over your craft and art as possible until you establish a real, PERSONAL, mutually respectful relationship with anyone you outsource your work to in the future. This "rule" people keep regurgitating about "Don't do business with your friends" is bullshit for various reasons. Whole parts of the world can still separate work from personal, but in the multiculti hellscape clownworld powers that be are turning all of North America into, they are trying really hard to get everyone to be impersonal drones who outsource and have no backbone. The same powers that be then bitch and complain and place blame at the drones feet when the drones can no longer find jobs to keep the big scheme moving at their own expense for the benefit of the powers that be.

Be your own agent, look at the print capabilities within your immediate community, leverage the skills of your immediate community to help improve everyone's immediate world around them and you, and disseminate your work directly to your audience as much as possible. If your art is good shit, people will travel from all around the internet and the world to come to you; you don't need to shove it in people's faces through outsourcing.

In my opinion, we are living in a time when "ease" and "convenience" marketing to get people to outsource their entire life's work is really just a social and societal veil economic vampires use to not only parasite off one's work, but to inject one's otherwise sensitive work into a massive "algorithm" that will allow huge corporations to outpace and outperform a writer or other kind of artist.

Literally, dude, LITERALLY: being a Sole Proprietor is now a revolt against the modern limited liability clownworld of zero personal responsibility that reduces human beings to "money units" or "resource points" from which someone can extract "wealth."

Quantity and volume over quality and a personal relationship with your audience is not for artists... it's for Chinese-made chic decor garbage scumbags put inside the McMansions they can barely spend time in while living in predetermined suburban hellworld. In the words of Nick Rochefort's antique salesman mentor, as quoted in Hydewars: Talkin' Cars With Sam & Nick: "Buy quality. Work in quality. Save the trash for the scumbags."

Will your product have a SKU or bar code? If so, it will be in that fucking algorithm. If that's okay with you, fine, but expect randos coming out of the woodwork with all kinds of crazy ass shit, including lawsuits, internet trolling, etc.


If we lose physical print capabilities that will not be accessible to us due to physical distance, technology deficit, or because of social issues (e.g. Charlie Hebdo); then we will be forced, perhaps enslaved, to requiring people to burn out their retinas in order to stare at a digital screen run by industries that pollute the world in ways much worse than cutting down a tree to make paper, just to read our writing. Worse still, we would need "lectors" reading to us out loud either in person, or over the radio or some other accessible technology, because of a deficit in literacy due to a lack of "low tech" capabilities like not having local access to print production...or because groups like the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban will literally cut your fucking head off if you know how to read and write.

Local literacy and print capability are quite literally, pun intended, weapons in this new "brand" of warfare that relies more on the psychological turmoil of the individual than the capability of violence of the demographic from which the individual originates. I don't think you ever want to see what a desert third world shithole looks like that doesn't have one god damn book in the entire village (but every other mother fucker has a cell phone and a poorly maintained AK-47 rifle). It will make you want to cry. I know, because it replays in my head almost daily. An entirely digital, electronic device-driven landscape doesn't look like utopia. It looks like the surface of Mars, and it's full of hostile humanoids who want your toys and guns that they'll scrap eventually when the next big empire comes through to die. They'll put your toys in a pile outside of the castle built by Alexander The Great that was being occupied by armed and uniformed local militia and police as of 2011AD, and they won't think twice about shooting you in the head if given the chance. Your toys will rust and rot without you.

Revolt against the "New King George III" who "requires" (market corners) you to use some outsourcing capability just to sell your own work, whether it's outsourcing it to Communist China, or some publisher who will just outsource the printing to Communist China or elsewhere.
palimpsest wrote:
Wed May 22, 2019 3:21 am
I appreciate that, thank you. I haven't considered print. I published the ebook on amazon. My promotion has been fairly non existent so far. Any suggestions?
Loud Speakers MC wrote:
Thu May 02, 2019 12:08 am
This is outstanding. Have you considered bringing it to print?
palimpsest wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:20 pm
I'll shill my own:

A novella dedicated to the memory of the r/mde sub.

North America, 2080. Air toxification and global warming have forced the two hundred million citizens who survived the Civil War into comfortable but oppressive underground cities. A small techno-elite living under town-sized domes rules over them from above. The Chinese Empire allied with the Silicon Valley leftist authoritarians in the 2040s to defeat the America First opposition, form the Corporate Coalition of North America and replace the constitutional government with an AI-assisted dictatorship. AI speech sensors across the underground cities detect breaches of the Offense & Criticism Act of 2064, which forbids male speech and actions “intended for unauthorized humorous effect” and ‘harmful' criticism. The Coalition renamed male laughter ‘manic oppression’. All underground men except a small percentage of specialized Alphas must take Posimasc medication, which severely dulls their masculine instincts. The Toxic Masculinity Act of 2065 prohibits men from behaviour defined as such by the Coalition, such as anger, aggression and lust. Under-Toronto citizen Caleb Thompson is growing frustrated with the drudgery and absurdity of life underground. Meanwhile, former comedian Alexavier White, now a Corporate Coalition late night talk show host who lives under the Los Angeles dome, is becoming disillusioned with his role as a shill for the elites. This story of dystopian surveillance, censorship and control echoes many of our present-day worries but leaves behind a glimmer of hope for those who celebrate the free and independent American spirit.

I've just read both of the Alan Partridge books - comfy reads if anyone is a fan of the character. ... _Partridge
Last edited by Loud Speakers MC on Wed May 22, 2019 5:14 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by nfl69 » Wed May 22, 2019 4:34 am

^ great post
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by palimpsest » Wed May 22, 2019 4:33 pm

I'm definitely on the self-publishing track - I hadn't even considered sending to any kind of publisher. My strategy so far has been along these lines: ... y-writing/
Although I appear to be violently allergic to the idea of jumping on trends and hysteria in a shallow quest for clicks. I would love to get a couple of blog reviews of the book but it's difficult to know where to turn when virtually everyone seems locked in this daily game of focusing on the latest outrage hype. Still, the hard work of promotion is on me.

I agree with pretty much everything you say and your advocacy of print is intriguing, but I'm struggling to imagine the practicalities. How does one turn it into anything other than 'vanity publishing'? What is 'keeping it local', clean and neat? Would be interested in reading more elaboration on this.
On this topic, what is don's strategy with the prints of Dagger Mag? Is the awareness all off the back of the hydewars stuff, is it real-life networking, web promo? Or a combo of the three. I'm curious as to where his niche audience comes from, if it's not just from MDE.

Loud Speakers MC wrote:
Wed May 22, 2019 3:44 am
Ultimately: be your own agent, supervise your own bookmaking, and manage your own literal bookkeeping.

I will tell you how I have done print media in the past when working overseas: self publish, keep it local, keep it clean, keep it neat, publish it in a way that makes it manageable for you as though you didn't have some large publishing company at your disposal (because at some point, you might not).

I will give you a real world example. When Clinton Keith Ruiz was murdered in Afghanistan in October 2012 by an Afghan Police officer who was actually Taliban, we had printing capabilities that would allow us to push out Wanted posters of his murderer faster than if we had gone through higher level production and printing services. Instead, we used what we had at our disposal, and the message that a fugitive murderer was on the loose went out to the local populace faster. A bunch of Sergeants, me included, and a Captain, worked long into the night, printing out these posters on A sized paper coming out hot from a 3 color printing press, and we were cutting and trimming posters and handbills of the murderer's face until we had what we were told was a sufficient amount to strategically disseminate throughout our area in Afghanistan.

I've been in and out of mass media and multimedia production since high school, whether it was learning it in school, working with my dad over a summer in a print shop, and the stuff I did in the Army in mass media. I did a radio DJ training course in 4th or 5th grade at this entrepreneur academy set up in Tampa Bay for school aged kids to learn about business. Point is, I've been exposed to this stuff since childhood, and the main point I realized over the last 2 decades is to try to maintain as much control over your craft and art as possible until you establish a real, PERSONAL, mutually respectful relationship with anyone you outsource your work to in the future. This "rule" people keep regurgitating about "Don't do business with your friends" is bullshit for various reasons. Whole parts of the world can still separate work from personal, but in the multiculti hellscape clownworld powers that be are turning all of North America into, they are trying really hard to get everyone to be impersonal drones who outsource and have no backbone. The same powers that be then bitch and complain and place blame at the drones feet when the drones can no longer find jobs to keep the big scheme moving at their own expense for the benefit of the powers that be.

Be your own agent, look at the print capabilities within your immediate community, leverage the skills of your immediate community to help improve everyone's immediate world around them and you, and disseminate your work directly to your audience as much as possible. If your art is good shit, people will travel from all around the internet and the world to come to you; you don't need to shove it in people's faces through outsourcing.

In my opinion, we are living in a time when "ease" and "convenience" marketing to get people to outsource their entire life's work is really just a social and societal veil economic vampires use to not only parasite off one's work, but to inject one's otherwise sensitive work into a massive "algorithm" that will allow huge corporations to outpace and outperform a writer or other kind of artist.

Literally, dude, LITERALLY: being a Sole Proprietor is now a revolt against the modern limited liability clownworld of zero personal responsibility that reduces human beings to "money units" or "resource points" from which someone can extract "wealth."

Quantity and volume over quality and a personal relationship with your audience is not for artists... it's for Chinese-made chic decor garbage scumbags put inside the McMansions they can barely spend time in while living in predetermined suburban hellworld. In the words of Nick Rochefort's antique salesman mentor, as quoted in Hydewars: Talkin' Cars With Sam & Nick: "Buy quality. Work in quality. Save the trash for the scumbags."

Will your product have a SKU or bar code? If so, it will be in that fucking algorithm. If that's okay with you, fine, but expect randos coming out of the woodwork with all kinds of crazy ass shit, including lawsuits, internet trolling, etc.


If we lose physical print capabilities that will not be accessible to us due to physical distance, technology deficit, or because of social issues (e.g. Charlie Hebdo); then we will be forced, perhaps enslaved, to requiring people to burn out their retinas in order to stare at a digital screen run by industries that pollute the world in ways much worse than cutting down a tree to make paper, just to read our writing. Worse still, we would need "lectors" reading to us out loud either in person, or over the radio or some other accessible technology, because of a deficit in literacy due to a lack of "low tech" capabilities like not having local access to print production...or because groups like the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban will literally cut your fucking head off if you know how to read and write.

Local literacy and print capability are quite literally, pun intended, weapons in this new "brand" of warfare that relies more on the psychological turmoil of the individual than the capability of violence of the demographic from which the individual originates. I don't think you ever want to see what a desert third world shithole looks like that doesn't have one god damn book in the entire village (but every other mother fucker has a cell phone and a poorly maintained AK-47 rifle). It will make you want to cry. I know, because it replays in my head almost daily. An entirely digital, electronic device-driven landscape doesn't look like utopia. It looks like the surface of Mars, and it's full of hostile humanoids who want your toys and guns that they'll scrap eventually when the next big empire comes through to die. They'll put your toys in a pile outside of the castle built by Alexander The Great that was being occupied by armed and uniformed local militia and police as of 2011AD, and they won't think twice about shooting you in the head if given the chance. Your toys will rust and rot without you.

Revolt against the "New King George III" who "requires" (market corners) you to use some outsourcing capability just to sell your own work, whether it's outsourcing it to Communist China, or some publisher who will just outsource the printing to Communist China or elsewhere.
palimpsest wrote:
Wed May 22, 2019 3:21 am
I appreciate that, thank you. I haven't considered print. I published the ebook on amazon. My promotion has been fairly non existent so far. Any suggestions?
Loud Speakers MC wrote:
Thu May 02, 2019 12:08 am
This is outstanding. Have you considered bringing it to print?
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by containercore » Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:13 pm

Found some reviews I've made in old /lit/ threads.





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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by GoGoNuts » Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:28 am

Last year I read the Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammet, incredibly engaging crime noire pulp novel. It definitely more then holds up to today's fiction novel standards because it may have set it. It spawned a movie of the same name starring Humphrey Boggart as the protagonist PI Sam Spade. What I like most about the book was that it was an iconic product of it's time. In that Sam Spade was written to be an unapologetic masculine tour de force that was competent, stoic and in control of his situation even when the tables where turned against him. Contrast that with the Movie and fiction book characters of today who while possessing all of the superficial physical qualities of a man, they possess none of the mental qualities of men that humanity came to know and respect as the standard. See any marvel superhero today or a male movie protagonist. Sam Spade never submits or defers to anyone. And owns the consequences of his own actions. And by that same token, dispite the fact that he is an imperfect and rough character the people who work with him love him for those qualities. solid 8/10.
Just fighting the good spiritual fight, brothers.
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by moevot » Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:46 pm

Foucault's Pendulum is a great one. For anyone into history, classical science, the occult and lit culture.
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by yoku » Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:15 pm

GoGoNuts wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:28 am
Last year I read the Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammet, incredibly engaging crime noire pulp novel. It definitely more then holds up to today's fiction novel standards because it may have set it. It spawned a movie of the same name starring Humphrey Boggart as the protagonist PI Sam Spade. What I like most about the book was that it was an iconic product of it's time. In that Sam Spade was written to be an unapologetic masculine tour de force that was competent, stoic and in control of his situation even when the tables where turned against him. Contrast that with the Movie and fiction book characters of today who while possessing all of the superficial physical qualities of a man, they possess none of the mental qualities of men that humanity came to know and respect as the standard. See any marvel superhero today or a male movie protagonist. Sam Spade never submits or defers to anyone. And owns the consequences of his own actions. And by that same token, dispite the fact that he is an imperfect and rough character the people who work with him love him for those qualities. solid 8/10.
I'm jealous, I want to read that, I'm going to hunt it down
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by Archadus » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:44 am

containercore wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:47 pm
Nescio wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:17 pm
ColtonGray wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:15 am
Right now I'm reading The Fountainhead which is great.
I hope you don’t have friends who recommend Ayn Rand to you. The fiction of Ayn Rand is as low as you can get re fiction. I hope you picked it up off the floor of the subway and threw it in the nearest garbage pail. She makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky.
Personally I picked up my copy at a thrift store. Don't have that much of a desire to read it but how could I resist a cover like this? ;)

Art. Hate rand tbh, but that cover being the cover of atlas shrugged is bigArt
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Re: Best Book You Read Latey

Post by Archadus » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:50 am

Since no one's mentioned it, I've gotta shout out Mike Ma's Harassment Architecture. Anybody else read this lil trip? I've gotta say it's pretty good. Exceeded any expectations of literary merit I had for it.
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