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Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 3:13 pm
by tragikom

I went to school with this chinese girl a couple years ago, lets call her Chong. Short and round, you know the type. Anyway, me and a other friend used to hang ut with Chong on the regular going out on pubquizes and whatnot. So who is Chong? Chong is borderline insane, 4ft something, sexcrazed stalker who dresses in male clothes. Me and the other friend hang out with Chong because of her strange personality and the strange situations she gets herself in, a bit like chris-chan, which we like to discuss. So Chong is interested to get a sex change, and I tried to tell that its not necessary since chinese women already look like men. She persisted and decided to get a sex change (its very fasionable here in Sweden) and in order for the state to pay for that (they do), she has to have regular inteviews with a psychiatrist. At this point I was hoping that the psychatrist would talk her out of it. Then came the big reveal... the psychatrist was a lesbian! Battle was lost. Chong puts her creepy talents to the test and starts stalking the psychatrist, finds info about partner, adress and everything that is available online. At one point she tells the "psychatrist" that she loves her, but that was not enough for the "psychatrist" to recommend her to another clinic (becuase she's a lesbian).

Chong is now Chang. Chang is infertile, takes steroids and stalks/sexchats with people on the game of thrones mobile game.

Every person I have met who wants to become a psychatris should not be a psychatrist. It's so strange when the psychatrist is more unhinged than the patients.

Please share any stories about psychatrists that should be locked up.

Re: Psychopsychology

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 4:07 pm
by hayden
I have no stories about psychiatrists but I must scream after reading this.

Re: Psychopsychology

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:06 pm
by Zero Cool
tragikom wrote:
Thu May 30, 2019 3:13 pm

Chong is now Chang. Chang is infertile, takes steroids and stalks/sexchats with people on the game of thrones mobile game.

Every person I have met who wants to become a psychatris should not be a psychatrist. It's so strange when the psychatrist is more unhinged than the patients.

Please share any stories about psychatrists that should be locked up.
My experience with psychs has been kind of a mixed bag. I've had maybe 5 over the years? Most of them were school therapists at my university.

The psychs at my university were mostly graduate psych students and were largely useless. Also 2 of the 3 were in some way or another LGBT (I'm thinking that the on site psych thing was something the LGBT clubs at the university pushed for).

I had another therapist that had a pet bird that lived on her shoulder and tried to get me to do these weird "tapping" exersizes with crystals (only went to one session for obvious reasons).

My current therapist is pretty good and I've kept going to see her maybe twice a month for the past 3 months or so. I'm not sure how much the sessions are really helping me and tbh I think I'm getting most of my support/help from AA.

I actually majored in psychology and I used to believe in the value of therapy but honestly I don't even know anymore. I mean it's easy to get cynical about it since people with issues more often than not, do not manage to work through their problems successfully (or at least in my experience). Changing yourself takes a lot of work that most people are simply unwilling to do. From what I've seen most people go see a psych because they want to be told that they are not crazy or something. I just don't get it.

I don't know what to say about the individual you mentioned in your post. I would just advise that you stay away honestly. It doesn't really sound like things are going to turn out all that well for them. That said there are good therapists out there you just kind of have to look for them and know what direction you want to go in/what kind of person you aspire/want to be.

Just like every other part of the world there is never a shortage of people that are you going to tell you what you want to hear. Psychs are no different.

Re: Psychopsychology

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:41 pm
by tragikom
That birds gonna ruin the confidentiality agreement. yea, its very rare for people to change their habits and the maxim "change have to come from within" (or whatever it is) is true.

Psychology seems to be quite a diverse subject with many different schools of thought and it just seems to me that most psychs have this confirmation bias on that their thoery is the best. Seems a bit dangerous for patients who are impressionable to pretty much take a gamble and see what type of doctrin their psych got.

Re: Psychopsychology

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:04 pm
by Zero Cool
tragikom wrote:
Thu May 30, 2019 7:41 pm
That birds gonna ruin the confidentiality agreement. yea, its very rare for people to change their habits and the maxim "change have to come from within" (or whatever it is) is true.

Psychology seems to be quite a diverse subject with many different schools of thought and it just seems to me that most psychs have this confirmation bias on that their thoery is the best. Seems a bit dangerous for patients who are impressionable to pretty much take a gamble and see what type of doctrin their psych got.
From all of the research papers that I read on my own while I was in university CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is pretty much the only successfully tested method.

I know that it's generally pretty dangerous to give your opinion on these sorts of things b/c you know we're talking about mental health and a sick person my read it and get the wrong idea. That said, I really do think that if you get a psych that wants to try anything other than CBT with you - you're better off running and getting another one.

You would be shocked by the number of psychs out there that don't have any real sort of accreditation and kind of made up their own method that has not been studied at all. So yeah if you're just starting out with therapy I would say CBT or bust.

Re: Psychopsychology

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:16 pm
by tragikom
So yeah if you're just starting out with therapy I would say CBT or bust.
Thats good advice. Nice to get some views from someone who actually studied a bit of psychology.