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Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:42 pm
Ever read YouTube (TM) comments?
Being bulletproof is a great superpower to have today, if a criminal, a gangster or a corrupt police officer shoot at you you will not die. I hope Melanin if activated can stop bullets. If somebody can manipulate the air they can also stop or change the direction of bullets. In the Matrix 2 Neo freeze bullets in the air. In Black Panther the vibranium suit deflect bullets. In Star Wars the return of Jedi Darth Vader stop Han Solo laser bullets with his hand using the force. In real life magician David Blaine stop a bullet with a cup inside his mouth.
Thought so.

Re: Schizoposts

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:43 pm
I have my testimony which is true. I have Jesus living in me. I been seeing 444 for 8 years on all types of things clocks you name it. I wondered and researched the meaning for years. Then last year I found out the meaning. Watch this Youtube video. 'Atheist and Bill Maher cant answer this video". Gematria=444 Code of God=444 Simple=444 Jewish=444 Weapon=444 Fruit=444 The King=444 Increase=444 CONNECT=444 Energy=444 Melody=444 Wiser=444 Obedient=444 Parent=444 English=444 Messiah =444 Jesus=444 Y'shua =444 Joshua =444 Cross=444 Gospel=444 Preacher=444 Parables=444 Beauty=444 God and a Man=444 His Bride=444 God is Able=444 The Lock=444 The Key =444 Prize=444 Pinnacle=444 Chariot=444 Jury=444 Clouds=444 Forgave=444 Heavens=444 Hand of God=444 For he Died=444 Finished=444 Church Age=444 Ruler=444 Nailed On=444 New Life=444 Make a choice=444 A Redeemer=444 A Number=444 The Omega=444 Unruly=666 Hardened Heart=666 Falling Away=666 Lustful=666 Stubborn=666 Witchcraft=666 Sorceries=666 Corrupt=666 Slaughter=666 Mark of Beast=666 You can take any name of anyone on earth dead or alive and you will never get matches like this. I seen a guy with a computer program try and fail. The challenge was to give the name of a person and 10 things (words) closely associated with the name with the same numerical value as the name. He failed and his computer failed. It will never happen. Google Gematria Calculator. Also watch this short video. The video is called. "The Numbers 4, 44, 444, and 4,444" P.S. There is really no debate to this evidence. This is proof God is real. The Bible is true. Jesus is Lord. Don't take my word. Watch the videos. Do the research on all this. I wondered and research why I was seeing 444 and what 444 meant for 7 long years before I found this all out. I am called and chosen to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is proof alone. Repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ before it's too late. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! P. S. Proof the Bible is 100 percent truth. Watch these 4 YouTube videos. 1. The Real God of Gods 2. Hidden Treasures of the Bible - Chuck Missler 3. Atheist and Bill Maher cant answer this video 4. The Numbers 4, 44, 444, and 4,444
I know it's a hard pill to swallow BUT It's all true.

Re: Schizoposts

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:08 pm
by Kobold
I love these but I'm not really on any social media anymore to find any.