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Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram(TV SHOW IDEA THREAD)

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:25 pm
by RedRanger
Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram
Sesame Street parody

The adults of the modern day are just like kids and babies, so, why not teach them like they are kids?

The new age males, and even females of today, are not in the best shape. Poisoned by plastics and chemicals in the food and water, their brains have become retarded: focused on consumption and pleasure. The women are taught to be whorish receptacles of seminal fluid from the seed of an international crowd, and men are taught "if you can't beat em', join em', and snip snip goes the ding dong. The appearance and mental function of the new age man and woman seems to be quite comparable to that of a child, or even an infant. From a lack of hard, tough foods in the diet, peoples jaws becoming more malformed and infantile, and their teeth looking like something out of the Queen of England's Royal Courtroom. Soda and other processed foods cause obesity which restricts your ability to move, rots your teeth, and makes your brain more malleable to TV super stimulation. Speaking of which, the average pass time of today's man children is not remotely balanced. All physical exertion is kept on hold, as they try to rekindle their childhood with kids cartoons and sugar cereal. Sure they add beer into the mix because they are allegedly in their 30's, but it's all swirling down the same toilet bowl if you catch my drift.

My idea is for a Sesame Street style show, that tries to pull people out of this absolutely useless blackhole nightmare. The program will run with puppets, people segments, graphic interludes, kids on the street type bits, but all the lessons and moral should be directly applicable to the new age soy-boy and soy-girl. A similar concept was done with the MTV2 show"Wonder Showzen". I was a fan of the aesthetic, but the show rang hollow and godless. They were making a comedy show, they wanted to poke fun at the establishment in the most offensive way possible, and then go home. My show wishes to have a genuinely educational aspect to it, while still remaining a comedy. I want to look out for the well being of others, and ensure those capable of change are "activated" by my show, and grow into generative men and women.

Each episode will cover a theme, like the original Sesame Street. Since this show is for an "adult" (20-40) audience, the topics are going to be more adult, but the themes will still remain child-like. In addition, each episode will need to improve three different levels of new-age soy-adults.

Level One: Minor Soy
These are people with few to no major issues in their lives. Their parental upbringing was standard or at least not traumatic, and they will go on, or have gone on to good, generative citizens. The goal of the show in terms of this group is to "redpill" them, or otherwise fill in the knowledge gaps that they may have. It is to reveal to them broader "conspiracies" about global control of money, real history that isn't taught, basic economics (think all the Nick Rochefort scenes from Hydewars), medical advice (think of the charlsworld video about supplements). They are already doing well, so the goal is to keep them going in the right direction, to make them better.

Level Two: Moderate Soy
These are people who have potential to be generative, great citizens, but their lives are shit. They have experienced great hardship, or gruesome, unspeakable trauma, or some other demon that has left them battle weary. These are the people that should be fought for tooth and nail. Some potential do hard-core amounts of drugs, or kill themselves, or turn into LEVEL THREE creatures. The goal of the show for this group is to educate them in what stuff SHOULD HAVE BEEN FOR THEM. What is proper love? What is a proper relationship? What kids are on the right side of the tracks? How should I raise my kids? How do I control my anger? How do I eat healthy? How do I exercise? How to I stop depression? What are some creative outlets for me? Think of them as crooked teeth. The tooth itself is in great shape, but it the situation it was in, it got fucked over and moved around.

Level Three: Severe Soy
This group is a combination of two groups, but but groups suffer from the same severity level of the new age disease. One team thinks the divine feminine is what we need most. They "unironically believe in communism" they wear pink pussy hats and live in good old NYC. They want illegal immigrants to come in by the millions, if not billions. They want your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny/ The most hardcore brainwashed people possible. They are the Buzzfeeders and the fuel that keeps the industrial machine running. They are turds and goobers to be sure. They too are victims of this system. While they outwardly don't deserve anything besides perhaps a swift kick in the head, but they are too stupid to know the wrong they do. Perhaps it is because I'm an optimist, but I think these people's obsessive nature can be used against the giant wheels of the system. If we take the fuel from this beast, it will slow down, and die. If we have enough cases of people fleeing these circles and telling their stories, maybe we can have a mass revolution of people refusing to be a part of politics that trap them for life. For this group, the goal of the show is baby steps into the real world. To slowly wriggle them out of the politically correct and be calm and courjal. Teaching them basic social etiquette. How to debate, how to tell the truth, how to search for facts, critical thinking, etc.

I said earlier that this was two groups. The second is major autists. These are the people on /r9k/ and /b/. They have collections of dakis and terabytes of porn. They have poop socks and booger walls and cum socks and mommy does their laundry and they don't bathe. They are immature, likely because of a lack of masculine energy in the house, or they were taught by that most evil third parent, the Internet, how to behave. They have few to no friends, fail in most social situations, are cringey and have many fetishes. Overly obsessed with technology over reality, live in filth, etc. Much like the previous group, the goal is to show these people how to be normal, how to crawl before how to walk.

The job of the show is to be able to function for all three levels of soy-man, teaching them useful information as well as being funny. I was thinking the show could run for thirty minutes, but based on all I want done, and all of the levels of people I want to cater to, the show may have to run for 60 minutes. I don't think TV is the way to go either, so maybe the web is the best way to post all of the videos.


Show segments, skits, bits, gags, and more.

Segments: There are two types of segments: Primary and Secondary.

Primary Segments: These are scenes of the main storyline going on throughout the show. This will revolve around the main theme. The primary segments are usually for LEVEL THREE people, so the main character who "feels that feel" must be a socially autistic NEET, with problems. There should also be a protagonist for the other camp of people. These characters should never seem like they are bastardizations of the people they mean to help. They should be super relatable. It is also my hope that the humor will come from the simple absurdity of regular life, mixed with a kind of 2070 paradigm shift look at the future.

Secondary Segments: Secondary Segments are scenes that are about the main topic of the episode, but mostly serve as a way to define it, or show extra example of the theme in action, or summarize it at the end of the episode.

Skits: Skits are more humor focused. They are stories that run over the course of several different episodes. They can be about any and everything, but within the episode it has to at least loosely connected with the episode's main theme. Or not, fuck it.

Think of it like segments are more wholesome and story driven, and skits are more humor driven.

Bits: Bits are very short secondary segments or skits. These could be viewer submissions or commissioned pieces of art or music or animation or really anything cool and interesting.

Gags: Gags are recurring jokes that transcend episodes. If a background character becomes well loved because of some offensive line they said, or an audacious puppet says something memorable, a gag could be to constantly put them in different scenes, or have different actors reuse that line in different contexts.

Interviews: I don't think this ship will sail immediately or anything, this is just a rough, rough ROUGH draft quickly typed out about an idea I had in my head. But Later on if this picked up steam it would be very cool to have puppets or small children ask big politicians really tough questions. Like Pizzagate tier shit IDK. Get the guy who made the book about wetiko, creationists, people with unique and disrespected perspective. Teach healthy debate and exploring new ideas.


Aspects: So I have many different ideas for segments and skits but I really want to cover four bases of "truth" on the show: Spiritual, physical, mental, and "real:

Spiritual: So I think spirituality is something very important to a person's balance. Having some kind of faith of belief can be a healthy way to bond with others, and the shared belief in ideas is pretty much made humans as good as we've become. I want the show to occasionally go into little info pieces on the history of religions new and old, to help guide people towards the groups would believe in. It also is a good brain exercise to see other belief systems, and what other groups have tried. I don't know if history ties into the spiritual as well, maybe this should go into the mental category, but the same type scene should give a good insight of history as well.

Physical: "Get up and move everyone yay!" This one is to try and encourage a healthier lifestyle. Tips on a healthy diet and how to exercise. What the cheapest healthy food is, how to have basic discipline, what phone apps track calories, what plastic water bottle has the least cancer plastic in it, what water filter to buy, push-ups for the morbidly obese, using saunas. All of these I want to be for beginners fitness, with little speech bubbles on the side for fun facts and helpful things for more experienced and athletic viewers. Think of it like the show Good Eats except for exercise too. Also supplement talk.

Mental: Think Reading Rainbow for the modern NEET. Some simple books, some hard books, but always FUN TO READ :). Encourage reading and learning new things, encourage those retards first baby steps into the world of becoming educated. This is also where the history lessons are gonna come into play. I want to teach people the lesser known shit they didn't learn in class. The worst presidents were actually the best presidents, the "best presidents" were the most corrupt, evil losers that created the hell we live in today. Always connecting the past to the present, show the patterns that people can pick up on for themselves. Do short bios of various little known historical figures, or well known figures with skeletons in their closets.

"real": Like How to do your taxes, how to do laundry, how to tie a tie, how to write a resume, how to save money, how to get a loan, how to cook (if not in physical), how to make a bed. Everything mommy and daddy forgot to teach you. Like life hacks but it's actually useful. No fucking watermelons you have to hollow out and fill up with water for a refreshing drink later(every fucking time I see that "hack" everywhere. How is that a hack? That would waste so much time).

Potential Themes/topics: Love, Race, Intelligence, respect, compassion, generosity, friends, regret, apologies, animals, death, crime, guns, the future, music, baby boomers, mental retardation, war, prison, fags, trannies, travel, sex trafficking, politics, fetishes, comic books, emotion, mental illness, productivity, philosophy, theology, statistics, dancing, singing, death penalty.

So now I put the ball in your court. What do you think about this type of show? Would you watch it? Would you contribute to it? How would one go about making a show like this? Do you have any inspo or videos that would fit with a show like this? What kind of stuff do you think I missed? What should be added or taken away from this show? Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Re: Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram(TV SHOW IDEA THREAD)

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:29 pm
by gentlesire
im interested in this. i too liked wonder showzen but i do agree it was surface level comedy. they could've done a lot more with it.

id definitely watch this tho

Re: Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram(TV SHOW IDEA THREAD)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:12 pm
by peng
like the concept, though id be in the type one segment (truth be told im just a failed normie yall)

some of the ideas you outline remind me of old etiquette videos made/distributed in the 50s (you can look up some on YouTube), except broader and more modernized. so there's something kind of poetic about it; hyperconsumerism pop culture sought to blot out such manners, teachings and history, and this project would use the same tools to turn that around.

Re: Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram(TV SHOW IDEA THREAD)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:45 am
by SlickWilly
I like the idea, I hope I'm a "Type One" but I'm probably "Type Two".
I wanted to make a show about a small town centered on the volunteer fire department (a cornerstone of the community). You follow all of the members of the department. There are old timers who are trying -- successfully -- to relate to their children and passing on their love of working the land. There are younger firefighters who are struggling to find good girlfriends and they debate the merits of going to college against blue collar work in their small town. There is tension between the younger firefighters who want to use more technology and science based firefighting and the old guard who are trying to keep traditions alive. The stories will be very slow because it will take a ton of time to establish all of the characters and build out the town. It will play like a TV version of 'The News From Lake Wobegone'.
A very wholesome story that holds up family values and self sacrifice. I am trying to come up with a rough story that will play out over the first season, something about a new banker or accountant that comes to town and brings terrible corruption with him. The humble and noble men of the fire department eventually discover the cancer in their town and are forced to confront the uncomfortable reality that a man could be so cold and cruel to his neighbors. They individually and collectively wrestle with the information and attempt to find a solution (Final or Otherwise) to this problem.

Re: Se(soy)ame Street: A Program to Deprogram(TV SHOW IDEA THREAD)

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:45 am
by ForeverWar
I like this reminds me a bit of Mr. Rogers, but obviously more updated to fit the mold of contemporary society. Here's my impromptu script for an episode:

I envisioned an episode where a pair of characters, a male and a female NEET, are bragging to others about their cushy lives living with their parents. They convince a character (an equivalent of Big Bird, since he often played the role of the character "led astray" or the victim of naivete), to join in and/or support their lifestyle. As a result of their influence, Big Bird quits a job he recently landed in favor of moving back in with his mother in her "nest". Other characters oppose Big Bird's decision, but he sides with the NEETs when they defend him. Over the next few days, Big Bird plays video games and eats unhealthy food, developing purple bags under his eyes. He complains that nothing feels fun anymore, everything just feels the same. Eventually he leaves the NEETs, and the NEETs complain to the local newspaper with a sob story about how Big Bird hurt their feelings (perhaps one morally-intact person at the local paper could object to the clickbait story, but let's say his superior overrides his objection in favor of chasing attention). This leads to Big Bird being made a pariah. However, the only people that believe the media's smear are other NEETs. Big Bird's old friends come to his aid, believing that he has learned a valuable lesson. The paper's owner could either realize the error of his ways or face fallout from the community for an obvious bias.