Gringe shit u used to like

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Gringe shit u used to like

Post by samuraiblues » Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:57 am

I'm getting long in the tooth, seeing how most movies and tv shows are not being marketed to me in the least. rather than watching any new movies, I'm instead looking back at older stuff. Some stuff I rewatch seems to hold up while other stuff is embarrassingly bad. thinking how artist careers are much like athletes, they'll have their prime years and then barely stay relevant. Jim Carrey was once the brightest comic/movie star had a 3-year stretch and even his shit politics aside is so unfunny now. liken to Jerry Lee Lewis, brightest stars burn out the fastest, at least in their likeability then become a dead black star. My nostalgia, maturity, boredom, not sure, but curious what others takes are. My short list of cringe shit I liked.

Jack Black Tenacious D
1st album holds up to me, but everything afterward is trash , newest album dumpster fire

David Cross
Mr. Show I'll say still has bright spots, but his stand-up album is New York dogshit poo

bill Simmons
sports writer, mixed pop culture and sports, now most La boomer dad, corny shit jokes, much of his success was simply right place right time.

Quentin Tarantino
pulp fiction, resiviour dogs, kill bill, good but norm macdonald had the line, "all his movies are comedies at best." all his other films are snuff films at best

The Office
charming when I 1st saw, but now a Psyop for living your life as a wage cuck. fluorescent life purgatory.
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Re: Gringe shit u used to like

Post by GenerallyKilling » Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:04 am

samuraiblues wrote:
Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:57 am
Jack Black Tenacious D
1st album holds up to me, but everything afterward is trash , newest album dumpster fire
pick of destiny
For now hell's all around us
No rubber devils
No smell of sulphur
But hell nonetheless
Hell more grotesque than any medieval woodcut
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Re: Gringe shit u used to like

Post by zombee » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:18 pm

samuraiblues wrote:
Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:57 am

bill Simmons
sports writer, mixed pop culture and sports, now most La boomer dad, corny shit jokes, much of his success was simply right place right time.

Quentin Tarantino
pulp fiction, resiviour dogs, kill bill, good but norm macdonald had the line, "all his movies are comedies at best." all his other films are snuff films at best

The Office
charming when I 1st saw, but now a Psyop for living your life as a wage cuck. fluorescent life purgatory.

I just find Bill Simmons not at all relatable now because he's obviously become so rich. Him starting a piece by talking about running into celebrities when he's picking his kids up from private school makes me feel like he does not care about sports for the same reasons I do ( i.e. they distract me from my life.)

Regarding Tarantino,I am still going to see "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," but I may be a fool to get my hopes up.

Inglorious Basterds has some very cool scenes but also some really dumb ones.

Django Unchained had a really weird tone in that it juxtaposed the horrors of slavery with a heightened and surreal reality (the giant tooth on top of the "dentists" cart, the black maid having to pretend to be french, Django wearing the blue suit). This had the effect of making the slavery seem less real as well. This is an odd contrast to something like Pulp Fiction that really hit the viewer in the face with how viceral and believable all of the violence was. Also, Django is too fucking long. I'll watch a long ass movie, but I have to feel like everything is necessary or at least interesting.

The Hateful 8 is Boring, the violence is so excessive that it's hard to read it as anything other than a joke, and also has no rewatch appeal.

(also, you left out Jackie Brown which is a great, Golden age Tarantino film. I highly recommend it. And I left out "Death Proof," but that's because I actually like that movie.)

And yeah, the office is not worth watching. It's a lot of the same joke premises over and over. Plus whenever anyone says "I love the office," I can tell right away that i'm going to hate them.
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Re: Gringe shit u used to like

Post by samuraiblues » Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:13 am

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood curious to see it but won't be spending the big bucks. guessing it's likely to have thinly-veiled Hollywood pedo hero jerk fest. remember watching news clips of an overweight woman arguing with tarantino on violence in movies and thinking "look how uncool this chick is" but now the whole thing is as legit as a wwe fight. of course, that's the idea to have him look hip and her the uncool prude. Jakie Brown watched it long time ago, might revisit but took it as scraps ideas of pulp fiction. leftovers from his 1st album so to speak. his editor died before or during django, think he may be surrounded by yes men at this point. no one to really challenge him.

Simmons once admired him for his seemingly self-made writer, has a way of talking sports that's down to earth but also interesting, a bartender that knows his stuff. successful podcast, Grantland, 30 for 30 films. nba countdown host. once he starting talking more politics really soured on him. the espn docs became an even bigger success once he left and when asked his thoughts on the lastest espn docs he would say " i think it was a little too long." I can imagine him sitting in a board room making well over 6 figures and his great contribution going around the room is saying, "just a little too long." lesson, just be in the room, doesn't matter how much you contributed or well, group grade, perception is everything. ending up landing massive deal with hbo only to make a shit tv show, andre giant doc that frankly not nearly as interesting as rick flare for espn, did a behing the scenes nba finals cool concept but 1st interview is with andy Sandberg, who the fuck cares what Sandberg has to say about nba? Lebron's show on hbo has lasted longer than this sports media guru.
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Re: Gringe shit u used to like

Post by samuraiblues » Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:47 am

Once upon a time is good I'll eat crow on this one.
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Re: Gringe shit u used to like

Post by ForeverWar » Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:22 am

I've realized that a ton of the music I used to listen to was demotivating (possible) psyop bullshit pedaled by the music industry (I'm talking early to late 2000s emo self-pitying cancer like Papa Roach, Alexisonfire, etc.). While there are a handful of bands/songs I still listen to, the majority of this shit comes across as cringe to me now. I have MDE to thank for this in part, since their Kid Six skit (lol like "kid sex" like elite pedo rings U GET IT YET?) sums up 2000s whiny emo music to a tee.


P.S. Dallas Green of Alexisonfire has made actually good material as "City and Color"...
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