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Universal Precipitation

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:03 am
by Miss. Waffle
The original chemistry initialized by the creator involved an all encompassing precipitation reaction. There were two products yielded: the precipitate (earth) and the supernate (the waters in the heavens). In order to keep the precipitate from mixing again with the supernate, which would result in dissolution of the living realm into water, the creator placed an inert crystal firmament betwixt the precipitate and supernatent. How quickly this all formed can be potentially calculated by considering the reaction time needed to use up the limiting reactant in order to yield the living plane as we know it. The limiting reagent would have had a direct relationship with a produced substance that resulted in the creation of the percipitate (earth). It would clearly not be found as a reactant in creation of the water found above the firmament and below the earth, as this is infinite. The water was perhaps always in existence, or that Hydrogen was present initially and the water resulted from the preliminary isotopes of that element.

Once identified, the limiting reactant would be subjected to some equation calculating the ratio of time to precipatate formed. Behavior explained by such an equation includes chemical reactions, gas retention, solids resuspension, solids dissolution and generation, solids settling/rising, and convective motion of physical and chemical species.