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Walls of Steel: Ventrilo Harassment & the 2016 Election

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:32 am
by ForeverWar
I had a spiritual moment recently, an epiphany that knocked me sideways. I was watching the new Hydewars/TekWar vlog on gumroad (highly recommended), when I heard one of the TekWar guys (I'm not familiar with their names/handles) mention that he used to use a Duke Nukem 3D soundboard to do "ventrilo harassment" years ago.

I immediately thought of this video, a video I've watched hundreds of times over the past decade or so, a video that I can still quote from to friends and garner a chuckle or two. I don't know if the dude from TekWar made this specific vid, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was him:

After re-watching this, the epiphany struck me: this video is a predictive chronicle of the 2016 election, a perfect allegory made by accident, a Nostrodamus vision blasted back in time.

The (trolled) girl with the Brooklyn accent is Hilary/the MSM/the democrats, and the Duke Nukem soundboard is Trump. All Trump had to do was exploit the inherent weaknesses of the system he found himself in in order to win the election; mostly by repeating various phrases (IRL memes/mere-exposure effect).

This repetition enraged his competition, catching them off=guard and forcing them to respond in kind...but they couldn't, because they weren't used to this kind of competition. As Trump continued to basically bring his particular brand of trolling into politics full-force, Hillary and her team became increasingly flabbergasted and desperate, just like the girl being subjected to the ventrilo trolling session. They couldn't adapt and were destroyed. The same thing is likely going to happen in 2020.

I don't have too much more to say about this...thoughts? Am I up my own ass, or do others see this comparison?