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listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:41 am
by nfl69
since i unpacked my record collection i've been listening to a lot of "spiritual jazz" ...for lack of a better way to explain it, to the point that i've exhausted the collection

saw that this gem was recently reissued digitally and gave it a listen:

fans of late coltrane, sun ra, sonny sharrock-era herbie mann live shows will undoubtedly enjoy

what has everyone been listening to?

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:38 pm
by yoku
I've been very into Krautrock. I got into Krautrock around 1999/2000, I had been industrial since i was a maybe 12 because i remember the first Iraq war going on and we had some college student living downstairs at the time, he knew i was into heavy metal (mainly because i would borrow the casset tapes with the coolest art from the library and that was definitely Iron Maiden) so he played me Ministry which had a song with an audio loop of George HW Bush saying its a new world order over and over again and it made an impression. That led me to NIN and some other stuff but what interested me later was when i found out that Ministry had been a New Wave band. I hated New Wave as a kid. It reminded me of morning car rides to school when i had no control of the radio.

Still it fascinated me that something that started out sounding like Spandu Ballet could end up like Ministry. 1997 I still couldn't really dive too deep researching music on the internet (I'm sure there were newsgroups dedicated to music but i wasn't really good at navigating them) but i was willing to give bands like Simple Minds and Talk Talk the benifit of doubt and found myself enjoying them. When Napster came out I got really into finding music on the fringes of its search capacity, I knew you could find full albums of most mainstream stuff and there were pockets of esoteric stuff but it was the first time that i could really freely explore whatever I wanted. I would never have spent money on new wave and I spent much of my early teens shoplifting tapes and cds from tower records so music for me was always saddled with risk and sacrifice. Once I could get what ever I wanted easily it really opened up what I was willing to listen too and i really enjoyed it. So down the rabbit hole of electronic music i went and of course that leads you to Kraftwerk.

Long story short I got really back into Krautrock over the past few years because of Youtube and exploring the works of Klaus Dinger and Michael Rother. I like following the roots of particular genera of music and then seeing where the branches lead. So here are a few of the albums I have been enjoying from the Krautrock tree.

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 11:00 pm
by nfl69
i've always felt that faust were the "ubermensches" of kraut but obv kraftwerk were the foundation that it was all built on

listening to tour de france soundtrack for the first time at the moment, finishing up "der catalog" ... wish they'd issue non-bootleg versions of the first 3 albums, have only listened to them on youtube!!!

your point re: risk and sacrifice hits home for sure, when i was first getting into music my options were stealing or saving up for blank tapes and dubbing from friends' cds, which led me down some dark paths sonically, once i decided to buy a turntable and get into records (late 1990s) my life changed irrevocably for the better, i think?

about to dip the french roll in the juice for the sandwich

listening to the kraftwerk and drinking the beer

hoping the snow melts so i don't have to shovel it


Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 10:59 pm
by Rallys69 2
Some classical picks from my liked youtube videos

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:45 am
by yoku
Thanks Rally I'm playing these as I pick up around the house

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:46 am
by yoku
Jussi Bjorling is my favorite opera singer

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:43 pm
by nfl69

new year, old songs... happy new year !!!

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:57 am
by yoku
Happy new year! That Butthole Surfers pepper album was the first cd I ever bought along with the beck loser single

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:02 am
by nfl69
been heavy into curtis mayfield the last few weeks...father of the blaxploitation soundtrack, bizarre open tuning (f#, guitar strings as black keys on the piano), social consciousness, etc. etc. highly recommended...start with the albums "curtis" and "curtis/live" before diving into the superfly and short eyes soundtracks..all the 70s stuff is worth a listen though

Re: listen up! another thread for musics

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:32 pm
by DevilDoa