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Just like that, I'm back!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:57 am
by boomadly
So, as anyone who knows me is familiar, I an NOT very internet savvy. This is not something I take pride in like the preverbial boomer chuckling as he says "I don't even know how to turn one of them thangs on!" In fact it is a great shame upon me that probably I am wide open to becoming both a lolcow from my sincerity online as well as a mark because of my ineptitude at securing my shit. *sadface emoji*
That is not why I have returned to this forum, however. I'm not here to speak on how I have failed myself in technological education just as thoroughly as in most other fields.
I have returned instead to share some very real, honest and sincere thoughts with a "group" of fags that I think may be cool enough to not clown on a nigger when he tries to be real. So, if I may....and given this is a one-way monologue there isn't shit you can do about it, I will now share an update on what has happened in the life of ol' booMadly as of late.
I can't quite remember how much I shared when I posted before, though knowing myself I almost certainlu OVER shared whatever it was. Well, here we go again. More info that you will have shining into your eye holes unless you take action to stop it, though, if you're cool I emplore you not to.
So, I was in the Veteran's Administration "Domiciliary" as an inpatient for about 8 weeks total. It was from there that I made my first post on these forums. If you recall, I was there because after my roommate and best friend died of alcohol poisoning I had to vacate because I was not on the lease. Anyway, So I was in the "Dom" at the VA and things were going reletively well given the circumstance. I got to get out in town and watch "Joker" which was based af. I met some cool bros in the VA system, all of which were going through their own trials and tribulations. Most were there due to either court ordered or voluntary rehab from substance abuse. I myself have been through that program a few times, always voluntary because despite my insesant fucking up, I truly have been attempting to right myself for quite a while.
While in the Dom I started a youtube channel under this "booMadly" handle and got something like 80 subs in a couple months. I was pretty happy and I was beginning to discuss some rather deep-seated issues with my government appointed counselor (who happened to be the best one I've ever spoken with). But, night at bedcheck time (11:00) I had written a letter to my counselor about my fear of being kicked out into the world and losing the support of the VA at this time of need. I was sliding this letter under my counselor's door for her to recieve first thing in the morning when the dom staff were making their rounds doing bedcheck. I come back into the room and am immediately confronted with a bottle of kratom capsules that I had been taking daily for the last year or so. This, I knew, was against policy, but I generally don't give a flying fuck about policy, just on GP.
Well, the VA police were called. I was detained. Written up. My belongings were went through where an additional item of contraband (leatherman) was discovered. Needless to say, I was given marching orders the very next morning and had to be out within 12 hours. My pleas of not wanting to go to the salvation army homeless shelter fell on deaf ears that could only seem to suggest I rent a storage unit for my possesions before checking into the shelter. It was a heartbreaking day to be sure. It was with great trepidation that I called a newly made friend who happened to be a subscriber to my YouTube channel and explained my situation. To my surprise and incalculable gratitude this lady drove 5 hours one way and picked me up. My possesions stayed locked in her vehicle for the night and we stayed in a local hotel on her dime.
The next morning we drove the 5 hour trip back to her home where she and her husband live. I have now been living in the downstairs part of their house for something like 4-5 weeks. Were it not for the kindness of this person and her husband I would be out in this bitter cold, or worse, staying where I could which given that town would probably be a crack house which you know, wouldn't exactly be a great place to grow or get better as a man, needless to say.
So, all in all, things are working out well here. My gratitude for this situation cannot be overstated. Despite gaining a bit of weight and being a bitchmade faggot by not working out, things have been an absolute godsend since I have been staying here. I will be traveling to one of their parents house next week to celebrate Christmas with them. After the holidays I do hope I can get on that creative vibe and contribute some writing to the forums somehow. I hope I can produce some content for the quickly sinking ship that is YouTube. I hope I can just CREATE! Anyway, much love, brothers. I pray this note finds you in good health and cozy wherever you may be. Chicken grease, homeskillets.
EDIT: I misspelled a bunch of stuff but you can eat a dick.

Re: Just like that, I'm back!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:32 pm
by yoku
Heeeey Boooo, sounds like its been rough but I'm glad things are on the up swing. I strongly believe in the redemptive qualities of creative endeavors, there is something about making things when things are at their lowest that bring people in and open their hearts. I think for the most part people know that existence is tough, and most people are so caught in their own tough spot that its better to not notice the others drowning around them. Rescuing a drowning person is dangerous cause if your not careful they can take you with them, but if you're in a raft and you see someone splashing around tying bits of flotsam an jetsam together and trying to cling to their contraption, well that just might be someone you want to have with you cause at least they are thinking.

Dagger is my little raft made of junk, luckly i floated into one of those giant plastic drift spots in the ocean where you are surrounded by debris brought together by the currents, so its a pretty sweat trash boat (am i getting lost in my metaphor? whatever) So trash boats are good!

I subbed to your youtube, at first i thought it was the one with the physical examination ASMRs and the twinkly twinkly little star vids but you channel is way better

I'm glad you are back hit us up in the chat, we are all pretty slow with it because like yourself we suck at the internet, its kind of like the pen pal version of chat where you send a note via carrier pidgin and eventually get a reply, but i think the reply's are of better quality than your average chat, but I'm biased.

PS I've lost some friends to opiods, their deaths had way more of an impact on me than i would have thought when they were around. I know that kratom is an alternative to help get off or something and I wish you the best but please for the love of Pete try and leave all that junk in the past.

Re: Just like that, I'm back!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:51 pm
by nfl69
good to see you back these parts

keep ya head up! will watch the vids too