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Beyond me books

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 6:59 am
by yoku
Sometimes i like to read a book that is way beyond me, which is not hard because I'm right around pulp novel/comic book level of reading comprehension. But that doesn't stop me from picking up books that i have no business looking at from the dollar rack. Be it medical books on the gastral intestinal track or Wilhelm Riech's Mass Psychology of Fascism its fun to see how deep into the weeds my little brain will allow me to go and what kind of inaccurate conclusions i might come to. Have you got any books that were interesting but beyond you? Well share them here so we can scratch our head together.

Re: Beyond me books

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:28 pm
by yoku
Here is Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, I'm not sure i understand 5% of what they are talking about but I think i have a better appreciation of what he contributed to the world because of it. Its a bunch of essays so its great for reading an essay here or there. Municiple Tapwater, the essay i was telling you about is on page 385 ... 1/mode/2up

Re: Beyond me books

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:54 pm
by yoku
This one actually helps with a book that is both Beyond me and right in my wheel house, the bible. Its Asimov's Guide to the Bible and its long, but they offer a free PDF that i keep on my phone for when i have to sit and wait around. I can read it instead of dicking around on social media or what not.

Re: Beyond me books

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:12 pm
by yoku
Wilhelm Riech's Mass Psychology of Fascism is an interesting book. Riech is better known for his introducing of the concept of the Sexual revolution. This book was banned in Germany in 1935 and he wrote an addendum to it after the war. What ever you may think of its resulting impact manifested in the free love era of the 1960's I think that his ideas permeate society with out us knowing it and are intrinsic to the proliferation of pornography that we see today. I think that the support and dispersion of pornography is directly linked to Riech's thesis that Fascism is not an economic, political or social movement but a mass psychological expression caused by the repression of the sexual economy. But again this book is Beyond me so i just read it to trip out. also he talks a lot about Marx which i dont have an all together good grasp of, i tried to read that to and it just sound like a bunch of rubbish. ... ascism.pdf