Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

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Miss. Waffle
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Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by Miss. Waffle » Mon May 06, 2019 12:16 am

I wholeheartedly recommend everyone at some point in their adult life to take a psychedelic trip. I have been helped tremendously by psychedelics and I feel that my mental state is stronger because of my experiences. Not only did I get high quality entertainment, frankly there's nothing like a clean trip, but that I've also been uplifted and inspired and would go as far to say that LSD and shrooms have cured my depression. However, although my first experience was with LSD, I do recommend first-time folks to start with mushrooms, as psilocybin is much gentler on the psyche and there is a more gradual come on.

If reasonable safety precautions are followed (you will find a quick guide at the end of this post) you will walk away with invaluable spiritual knowledge of yourself and the world around you. I have experienced temporary ego-dissolution during all of my trips, and I find that this is a great tool for removing parasitic modes of thinking from your mind. These mental parasites exist mostly unbeknownst to the host, which is what makes them so malicious. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you will feel awakened and revitalized; your third eye opened for the first time is a special feeling that doesn't leave you once the psychedelic is out of your system.
(Psychedelics do not show up on standardized drug tests, btw.)

Safety Guide:
DO have a sober trusted friend stay with you during the entirety of your first trip.
DO NOT ingest any other mind-altering substances including alcohol, marijuana, nicotine. etc.
DO stay hydrated and try to eat small snacks. Your throat may feel strange while tripping, but this is pretty normal. Just relax and remember to drink water.
DO stay in a comfortable and safe environment the entire time you are impaired.
DO know what legitimate shrooms and LSD look like. Do some research so you don't get scammed by some rat-bastard.
DO set aside at least 12 hours for the trip. A block of two - three days is ideal to deal with the aftereffects of ego-dissolution and body recovery. LSD specifically gives a pretty awful hangover with sufficient dosage.
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by don » Mon May 06, 2019 8:40 pm

this is really good advice
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by ArcadeWeapon » Mon May 06, 2019 9:31 pm

The thing i always say before someone does some intense drug shit: "hope youve been honest with yourself" (im not some drug guru, ive just found that it helps doing a sober inventory of your demons before taking the plunge. Mitigates the chances of sobbing everywhere.)

That, or I just quote Jurassic Park. "Hold on to your butts."
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by weaksausage » Sun May 12, 2019 4:33 pm

I was thinking of handing all my life's problems over to the toothless Kentucky Ayahuasca dude. He seems legit.
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by gentlesire » Tue May 14, 2019 6:58 am

psychedelics lifted me out of a dirt hole and dropped me into a glass box. cant say it did much for me other than open my already malleable mind to the point of mild schizotypy. not full crazy but just enough to be "eccentric" to creative folk and "creepy" to normies.

10/10 would recommend 2cb mdma and psilocybin
I was jerking myself off
The sun rose anew
And cum splashed onto my knee
Melvin Mildew
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by Melvin Mildew » Thu May 16, 2019 5:45 am

Recently I've been experimenting with microdosing lsd, which with low doses has none of the psychedelic effects just the mood altering effects for the most part. When I started I was trying and failing to deal with an ongoing bout of depression and around 10ug of lsd works wonders for improving my mood and motivation just enough to get to the gym and do the things required to start climbing out of the pit. Doing basic shit that would be a pain to do normally like washing the dishes becomes a fun and comfy time, and walking around at night noticing the ways neon lights reflect off of things is tight as fuck. The two biggest downsides are that talking becomes harder, and anxiety that I would normally be able to push aside can become difficult to manage.
What originally got my attention was that I heard it was being used for increased productivity in silicon valley, but honestly I can't imagine using any amount of lsd and going into a stressful environment with a lot of people sounds like hell. From the perspective of a tool for general every day use so far microdosing lsd has proven most useful for exercise and doing chores, less so anything very high stakes or important. Maybe for someone with less anxiety and autism it would have less drawbacks, but also I think probably it's greatest benefit has been it's help with depression so maybe nt normalfags wouldn't get as much out of it anyways.
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by weaksausage » Wed May 22, 2019 9:23 pm

Melvin Mildew wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 5:45 am
Recently I've been experimenting with microdosing lsd, which with low doses has none of the psychedelic effects just the mood altering effects for the most part. When I started I was trying and failing to deal with an ongoing bout of depression and around 10ug of lsd works wonders for improving my mood and motivation just enough to get to the gym and do the things required to start climbing out of the pit. Doing basic shit that would be a pain to do normally like washing the dishes becomes a fun and comfy time, and walking around at night noticing the ways neon lights reflect off of things is tight as fuck. The two biggest downsides are that talking becomes harder, and anxiety that I would normally be able to push aside can become difficult to manage.
What originally got my attention was that I heard it was being used for increased productivity in silicon valley, but honestly I can't imagine using any amount of lsd and going into a stressful environment with a lot of people sounds like hell. From the perspective of a tool for general every day use so far microdosing lsd has proven most useful for exercise and doing chores, less so anything very high stakes or important. Maybe for someone with less anxiety and autism it would have less drawbacks, but also I think probably it's greatest benefit has been it's help with depression so maybe nt normalfags wouldn't get as much out of it anyways.
1 Peter 5:10

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory through Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.

My brother has autism and has anxiety issues. I wish he would pray more. These are just some words of encouragement whether you believe or not.
Melvin Mildew
Joined:Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:41 pm

Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by Melvin Mildew » Thu May 23, 2019 4:17 am

weaksausage wrote:
Wed May 22, 2019 9:23 pm
Melvin Mildew wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 5:45 am
Recently I've been experimenting with microdosing lsd, which with low doses has none of the psychedelic effects just the mood altering effects for the most part. When I started I was trying and failing to deal with an ongoing bout of depression and around 10ug of lsd works wonders for improving my mood and motivation just enough to get to the gym and do the things required to start climbing out of the pit. Doing basic shit that would be a pain to do normally like washing the dishes becomes a fun and comfy time, and walking around at night noticing the ways neon lights reflect off of things is tight as fuck. The two biggest downsides are that talking becomes harder, and anxiety that I would normally be able to push aside can become difficult to manage.
What originally got my attention was that I heard it was being used for increased productivity in silicon valley, but honestly I can't imagine using any amount of lsd and going into a stressful environment with a lot of people sounds like hell. From the perspective of a tool for general every day use so far microdosing lsd has proven most useful for exercise and doing chores, less so anything very high stakes or important. Maybe for someone with less anxiety and autism it would have less drawbacks, but also I think probably it's greatest benefit has been it's help with depression so maybe nt normalfags wouldn't get as much out of it anyways.
1 Peter 5:10

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory through Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.

My brother has autism and has anxiety issues. I wish he would pray more. These are just some words of encouragement whether you believe or not.
Nah I'm not religious, but I do agree with the sentiment of strength coming from dealing with the shit times and pushing through and I appreciate the encouragement. The problem with the anxiety type of hard times is that the easiest way to "deal" with it is just to pull away from anything that causes anxiety, further stunting your ability to handle it. I think a lot of hikis suffer without actually becoming stronger or more capable of dealing with their brain problems, where NEETdom ends up just being a warmer and comparatively less painful quicksand. Recently I've been going into town to intentionally make a fool of myself approaching random people lol.

To add on to the safety notes in the OP here's safety advice for acquiring psychedelics:
Get a reagent test to make sure it's actually the substance it's supposed to be (for example less desirable research chems sometimes get sold as acid at festivals)
If buying online read the reviews to make sure the product is quality and the vendor does a good job on the shipping stealth.
Also for buying online:
Use tails (a linux distro you can boot from a usb stick) as it's much more secure and private than windows it has all the tools you're need build in.
Make sure you turn javascript off in tor browser because javascript can be used to fingerprint you. No darknet market will require js
Make sure your account name and password are random and can't be linked to you on the clearnet.
Bitcoin is only pseudo anonymous and if you purchase bitcoin non anonymously and transfer it directly into your crime wallet a determined and capable adversary can trace you to your purchases. I think I heard wasabi wallet is the best choice for anonymizing your crypto right now.
Make sure you manually encrypt your address when sending it to the vendor and don't just click the "encrypt message" button built into the site. You have no way to confirm that button actually does anything.

If you remember the tips above I don't even think it's possible for the site to identify you even if it was a law enforcement honeypot, but don't take my word for it always do plenty of research before engaging in any cyber-crime, which obviously I would never endorse under any circumstances as an upright HRC loving citizen.
Requesting and anime girl icon for sharing secretive knowledge on the down-low
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by cdmell55 » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:08 am

Here is my pseudo-live trip report of June 20th:

8:00 PM - 2.82g Lemon Tek. tasted bad. brushed my teeth

8:20 PM - nothing yet but slightly more vivid colors

8:40 PM - visuals are setting in.

10:38 PM - Pretty decent trip overall but really nothing worth writing too far into. I spent most of the trip just laying on my bed looking about my room. At first I thought about childhood and what it's like have everything be new and exciting and curious. I'm returning to work at an Italian restaurant and i thought about how excited i am too see all of my old friends and coworkers, some of whom i had worked with for years prior and so in a way they feel like family.

Although it's honest work, i'm really not exited to get back to the day by day grind of hot, anxious kitchen work, constantly getting yelled at for mistakes and dealing with the gossip of the 100+ people who work there. It was difficult to dive into any one idea because my mind was racing through memories and possibilities of the future, as well as constant reminders of the complexities of life

if You've never read it i really recommend The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment, it's really saved my ass from spiraling into a bad trip before and has some pretty solid spiritual advice.
Last edited by cdmell55 on Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Psilocybin Opens Useful Doors to Perception

Post by tito » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:48 am

I feel like if i took hallucogens i would take all of my clothes off and do 100 pushups like yung lean said in that one interview
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