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Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:22 pm
by hitagi
MuhPigeon wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 5:13 am
I put together a video summing up the recent events and disclosures in the UFO world back in January at It's the first real thing I've tried on my YouTube Channel but I used a lot of my video editing experience to keep it interesting. I tried to dive into a lot of the overall arc of events and tried to dig into the motives of the players involved. I'll be putting up a video on the phenomenon of genetically engineered human-animal chimeras as soon as I get the time to work on it some more.
this was pretty damn good bro. we can put it on on one of the movie nights perhaps

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:12 pm
by MuhPigeon
Thanks bro! It was fun to do.

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 3:46 am
by abu_hajaar
Can't trust any of this shit. This is some magic the guy at the top of the ziggurat is trying to pull. I don't trust magicians.

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 8:41 pm
by don
MuhPigeon wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 7:12 pm
Thanks bro! It was fun to do.
I also liked the UFO video. the pace and editing gave me a calm feeling

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:39 am
by ForeverWar
hitagi wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 6:22 pm
MuhPigeon wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 5:13 am
I put together a video summing up the recent events and disclosures in the UFO world back in January at It's the first real thing I've tried on my YouTube Channel but I used a lot of my video editing experience to keep it interesting. I tried to dive into a lot of the overall arc of events and tried to dig into the motives of the players involved. I'll be putting up a video on the phenomenon of genetically engineered human-animal chimeras as soon as I get the time to work on it some more.
this was pretty damn good bro. we can put it on on one of the movie nights perhaps
Nice vid, man. I've been researching UFOs and the UFO subculture for a while now. The recent leaks, or whatever else they may be, are certainly interesting. If the pilots who saw these phenomena are paid actors reacting to faked footage, I'd be surprised, although I can't say I would reject the possibility.

If you've heard Bob Lazar talk on Joe Rogan's podcast about his supposed experiences working to reverse-engineer a UFO's propulsion engine, then you'll have heard him describe the way that the UFO's engine works. According to Lazar, the engine utilizes a stable isotope of Moscovium (element 115) that Lazar all but directly implies he was working on synthesizing at some point.

The reactor in the UFO apparently activates when a half-sphere lid of some sort, coves part of a plate with a pellet of fuel on it. This arrangement of objects brings to mind a weird symbol that I came across while looking into famous UFO encounters. The symbol seems similar to the positioning of the reactor components that Lazar describes...(I've attached the image)

The image is from the "Lonnie Zamora Incident" that supposedly occurred outside Socorro, NM, in 1964. The witness claimed that there was a particular symbol on the outside of the UFO he saw, a symbol that looks a lot like a "hazardous materials" symbol representing the UFO's reactor (this symbol, if it represents what I'm suggesting it does, was probably made by humans for other humans trying to operate the salvaged craft).

I'm skeptical of Lazar and of UFO subculture in general, and I'm aware that false pattern recognition is an inherently human weakness, but I had this association hit me and I'm interested what others think about it.