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Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:01 pm
by don
My news diet these days is pretty limited, but the days of being able to read absolutely everything (by inference anyway) on a daily basis are totally gone. Right now I read:

8 /pol

The New York Times (which sums up the corporate / establishment position pretty well -- but man has it gotten bad since the last cycle)

Real Clear Politics / Defense / Religion -- which is a good aggregation for magazine pieces and etc.

I also watch Tim Poole's 3 Youtube channels and really like the guy, although he needs to get behind Hilldawg or be destroyed

I also sign up for all the candidate's e-mail lists so that I can watch them beg for money. Joe Biden's is especially funny since he hasn't out and out announced so all his messages (which come from Americans for Progress PAC I think) say creepy shit like "Joe is up to something"

how bout you?

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:32 pm
by Stan_gang
Unironically Zerohedge, It can be a bit cringe at times with all the Libertarian/Austrian school of econ posting and they seem to always shill for people to short Tesla stock but given the fact they are banned down under seems to give me the feeling that they are doing something right lmao.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:39 pm
by GenerallyKilling
I don't browse news but I do click around when something interesting is happening.

Sometimes my iPhone turns push notifications on for it's proprietary news and thinks that a major terror attack is just as notification-worthy (or usually, less worthy) than Tiger Woods winning something.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:41 pm
by hllspwn
The only mainstream publications I check for news is Reuters' because their website is compact and to the point. I really can't stand how most media outlets take what ought to be a few brief paragraphs describing a current event and blow it up into what resembles some emotionally unstable college student's blog post.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:46 pm
by SpaceLions
The only news feed worth browsing is anime avi white nationalists and libertarian furries on Twitter and nobody can tell me I'm wrong.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:48 pm
by don
hllspwn wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:41 pm
The only mainstream publications I check for news is Reuters' because their website is compact and to the point. I really can't stand how most media outlets take what ought to be a few brief paragraphs describing a current event and blow it up into what resembles some emotionally unstable college student's blog post.
It's insane how many ads the NYT serves these days. In general news websites have probably the worst, most aggravating and least clear layout of anything on the internet. Also you get tons of pop ups asking you to disable ad blocks... it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:53 pm
by SpaceLions
don wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:48 pm
hllspwn wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:41 pm
The only mainstream publications I check for news is Reuters' because their website is compact and to the point. I really can't stand how most media outlets take what ought to be a few brief paragraphs describing a current event and blow it up into what resembles some emotionally unstable college student's blog post.
It's insane how many ads the NYT serves these days. In general news websites have probably the worst, most aggravating and least clear layout of anything on the internet. Also you get tons of pop ups asking you to disable ad blocks... it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
>it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
And it's designed to be read in the same disposable manner and probably hits the same parts of your brain. Everything has either become marketing or porn.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:49 pm
by don
SpaceLions wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:53 pm
don wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:48 pm
hllspwn wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:41 pm
The only mainstream publications I check for news is Reuters' because their website is compact and to the point. I really can't stand how most media outlets take what ought to be a few brief paragraphs describing a current event and blow it up into what resembles some emotionally unstable college student's blog post.
It's insane how many ads the NYT serves these days. In general news websites have probably the worst, most aggravating and least clear layout of anything on the internet. Also you get tons of pop ups asking you to disable ad blocks... it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
>it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
And it's designed to be read in the same disposable manner and probably hits the same parts of your brain. Everything has either become marketing or porn.
The more I think about this the more true it seems to be. News has become hyper-targeted at relatively small communities, just like porn. It deals primarily with the fulfillment of secret fantasies of power and humiliation, just like porn... Was this inevitable as the news industry collided with the internet? or have we made a terrible mistake somewhere?

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:28 am
by SpaceLions
don wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:49 pm
SpaceLions wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:53 pm
don wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:48 pm

It's insane how many ads the NYT serves these days. In general news websites have probably the worst, most aggravating and least clear layout of anything on the internet. Also you get tons of pop ups asking you to disable ad blocks... it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
>it's weird but news these days is where porn was in like 2004
And it's designed to be read in the same disposable manner and probably hits the same parts of your brain. Everything has either become marketing or porn.
The more I think about this the more true it seems to be. News has become hyper-targeted at relatively small communities, just like porn. It deals primarily with the fulfillment of secret fantasies of power and humiliation, just like porn... Was this inevitable as the news industry collided with the internet? or have we made a terrible mistake somewhere?
Yeah I think the internet so hyper categorizes people that it was just going to happen by nature.

Re: Where do you get your news?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:00 am
by containercore
I get most of my domestic news from the politics board on a Swedish freespeech forum called flashback. Due to the extreme level of lugenpresse we enjoy in the country every article the MSM puts out has to be meta-analyzed and scrutinized by a community of verbose and politically savvy NEETs, cybersleuths and citizen journalists. Very informative place!

As for US and world news I obtain them through casual osmosis.