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The Bernstein Question

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:13 am
by dandykaufman
This week, Buzzfeed writer Joe Bernstein published another hard hitting piece of journalism ousting the intellectual dark web known as the 'alt-right'. His track record for speaking truth to power has been demonstrated in the past; he took down the dangerous and scary Sam Hyde, and this time he's focused his efforts on attacking the young and female deplorable nazi """soph""". But despite these important contributions to the social justice movement, and Joe's concern for the safety of us all, I am forced to ask the Bernstein question: is it okay to read articles written by a cishet white man?

Consider that, even when he slays in the name of yas queens everywhere, he is writing from the priviedged perspective of someone who can't imagine what it's like to be a woman like Hilary, or a POC like Obama, or a trans like Caitlyn Jenner. In a way, he's just as poisonous to the social justice movement as the alt-right nazis he criticizes. How could we ever trust a someone who comes from this kind of background and community?

Re: The Bernstein Question

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:27 am
by don
Joe also grew up with a lot of money, and I don't cotton to getting my information from white, cishet aristos. We need the Scarlett Pimpernel (HRC in disguise) to straighten out this whole situation

Re: The Bernstein Question

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 4:26 pm
by ZugIslandProdigy
Who's Joe Bernstein? Some NYT columnist?

Re: The Bernstein Question

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 8:13 pm
by Kobold
This guy sounds like a blockhead! As If id read something written by cishet scum.