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U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:43 pm
by don ... os-1375290
The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft," a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.

The previously unreported move is in response to a series of sightings of unknown, highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military formations and facilities, the service says.

"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. "For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.
I've noticed UFOs are becoming a more acceptable part of discourse lately, maybe moreso than they've been in any decade since the 1950s when the phenomenon assumed its modern form. The weird thing isn't Navy guys talking about reporting anomalous aerial phenomenon (they'd kinda have to) it's passages like this:
That office spent some $25 million conducting a series of technical studies and evaluating numerous unexplained incursions, including one that lasted several days involving the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004. In that case, Navy fighter jets were outmaneuvered by unidentified aircraft that flew in ways that appeared to defy the laws of known physics.
We know from that situation in 2017 when this Elizondo asshole from the story above went on CNN and justified his expensive, Pentagon-backed UFO research program by saying that aliens are real that there's money to be made by intimating that we're being visited by aays:
Ryan Alexander of Taxpayers for Common Sense expressed dismay about the program and cast it as a waste of money in a piece that aired on CNN's "The Situation Room" on Monday.
"It's definitely crazy to spend $22 million to research UFOs," Alexander said. "Pilots are always going to see things that they can't identify, and we should probably look into them. But to identify them as UFOs, to target UFOs to research -- that is not the priority we have as a national security matter right now."

For his part, Fravor said the money spent on the program was a drop in the bucket relative to the military's over half-a-trillion-dollar annual budget. ... index.html

Stories like this just bum me out. A whiff of the supernatural used to justify a small but apparently lucrative vein of military overspending... and promote some crappy netflix documentary:
Elizondo will be featured in an upcoming documentary series about the Pentagon UFO research he oversaw. He said the six-part series will reveal more recent sightings of UAPs by dozens of military pilots.
I find it totally ridiculous that people laugh at Alex Jones and then take places like Politico and CNN seriously when they publish self serving conspiratorial dreck. I guess you're allowed to believe in extra-dimensional beings as long as you're on the Pentagon's list of approved contractors

Hillary, of course, would clean up this alien situation as quickly and efficiently as she cleaned up north Africa!!!

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:18 pm
by UniversalWorldBaby
nothing can top this:

it's so fucking surreal how shitty CNN has become; the epitome of too-big-to-fail in action.
I think occam's razor applies here that the execs simply think UFO's are hot right now, so that's worth publishing. It could be that some people within the defense industry are calling in some favors to get some extra funds for black projects that are less targeted towards actual aliens and more towards aliens of a different sort: mainly chinese drone and aircraft systems.
easier to tell the public that it's UFOs instead of super stealth drones under control of the PRC. the latter could cause much more real concern.

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:27 pm
by GenerallyKilling
Pretty crazy. I'm 4 days away from shipping and after that it's an intel job for me, so maybe I'll see some interesting 'weather anomalies'.

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:35 pm
by don
GenerallyKilling wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:27 pm
Pretty crazy. I'm 4 days away from shipping and after that it's an intel job for me, so maybe I'll see some interesting 'weather anomalies'.
Right, I remember from your e-mail. If you see a fucking alien ship please write something up for the magazine! Also safe travels and I like the Hecuva avatar

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:26 pm
by SpaceLions
We're reporting live from my galaxy brain here.
I wholeheartedly believe Roswell was a psyop to coin the term "conspiracy theorist" in order to associate anyone who would question the government's actions with people who legit think Roosevelt made a deal with greys. Every now and again when there's a big ideological pushback against narrative you see an article or two trotted out about how the military is handling UFOs. I remember the last time this happened specifically was in around 2014 but I can't find the original article. Maybe when they do this it's not for trying to bring back the old psyop, but maybe as an activation phrase of some sort? I don't know this is all speculation.
Hillary will personally genocide all space aliens. She will keep us safe!

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:59 pm
by don
SpaceLions wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:26 pm
Hillary will personally genocide all space aliens. She will keep us safe!

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:37 am
by peng
I have to wonder. Perhaps the time is ripe to scam a bunch of 70 year old Boomers: find the rights ones with money, power, and influence who never gave up their "I Want To Believe" dreams, and sell them on the idea of "disclosure is just around the corner, but only if you now support my research and fund my book/documentary/media platform." A Theranos for the UFO set who were sure they'd use their power and influence to find UFOs some day, but just never got around to it and now with retirement looming its too late.

but the other part of me wants to believe that Alex Jones is 100% right; there is a deep conspiracy of psychic vampires, human sacrifice and subspace demons built around trading knowledge and power for paving the road to an inter-dimensional invasion, posing it as 'aliens' through a combination of predictive programming and Project Blue Beam holograms. And chief among the hated collaborators is our exalted high priestess of Minerva, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who will assuredly sell enough baby organs between now and November 2020 to secure the election and bomb Syria off the map in her first 100 days.

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:38 pm
by don

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:16 am
by UniversalWorldBaby
tim pool really does report on everything. I love it!

Re: U.S. Navy Drafting New UFO Guidelines

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:13 am
by MuhPigeon
I put together a video summing up the recent events and disclosures in the UFO world back in January at It's the first real thing I've tried on my YouTube Channel but I used a lot of my video editing experience to keep it interesting. I tried to dive into a lot of the overall arc of events and tried to dig into the motives of the players involved. I'll be putting up a video on the phenomenon of genetically engineered human-animal chimeras as soon as I get the time to work on it some more.