DnD campaign?

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DnD campaign?

Post by SlickWilly » Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:51 am

I have a short campaign kicking around my head for over a year, but I don't have any players who can handle the R rated content I will have to drop.
Here is the gist:
Basic 5th edition rules, but our world was destroyed by a magical apocalypse. There is almost no magic left, and our typical fantasy races have been changed by the disaster.
Elves are basically gypsies, notorious liars and cheats because they travel like carnies and lie as easily as a strip mall lawyer. They live to run, they run all day almost every day. an elf that isn't running is probably fucking. Elves have many children, but if the child doesn't learn to keep up with the tribe they are left behind to die.
Half elves are sterile like mules. Most half elves end up as hookers. They have the slender feminine features of elves, but they don't have the incredible stamina to keep up with the elves but they are usually too frail too scratch out their own place in this hard world.
Humans are your typical plain jane basic bitch race, nothing out of the ordinary.
Orcs have actually been improved by the apocalypse. Full blooded orcs are more like half orcs from the typical dnd setting -- they are smarter but less robust than the classic orcs. Orcs come from a confederation of city states imagine ancient greece but Sparta is the political and cultural center instead of Athens. Orcs are slaves to contracts, anyone who breaks a deal with an orc will pay with their life, no matter how small or insignificant.
Dwarves are concentrated in one final city slowly dying from stagnation and inbreeding. A dwarf lives to fulfill his purpose. A dwarf that is assigned to sweep the streets sweep streets until he is exhausted and die with the broom in his hand. A dwarf who loses his purpose will sit and die of thirst. A small council hands down a purpose to every dwarf no more than a week after it is born. The hope is to replace every dwarf that dies with an infant and keep their city running. but dropping birthrates and increasingly birth defects are slowly killing the race. Dwarves are very rarely "put out to stud" and create Mulls to be sold off as slaves.
Mulls are half dwarf half human and they are sterile like the half elves of this world. Mulls are hairless and robust, generally short and stout. They are strong hardy and surprisingly dexterous with their three fingered hands. but they are dumber than posts making them excellent slaves Mulls are obedient to a fault.

there is more backstory and setting details, but i think this is enough to give everyone the idea.
Anybody interested?
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Re: DnD campaign?

Post by Kobold » Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:16 am

What about Kobolds
The world is a dumpster
Standby for the trash fire
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Re: DnD campaign?

Post by SlickWilly » Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:49 am

Kobold wrote:
Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:16 am
What about Kobolds
A small sect of kobolds are actually the ones that kick off the campaign. Kobolds aren't common, but they can pass as unusually small and intelligent lizard men.
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Re: DnD campaign?

Post by SlickWilly » Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:13 am

Your characters are in a Water House where travelers and vagrants like you trade your worn coins for equally precious water.
A human man about 50 years old is behind the bar talking to a pair of half elves, probably haggling over a night of "entertainment" while ignoring the 5 elves calling for service at the other end of the bar. The half elves are both wearing simple dresses made of rough fabric with long hair, one in blonde braids, the other has a wild mess of brown curls. The elves are barefoot and nearly naked. The 4 male elves wear the same faded brown trousers, all frayed just above their knees. The woman wears a sleeveless shirt that barely covers her small breasts and a skirt split up to her hip.
A pair of exhausted orcs sit alert against a wall, clearly uncomfortable in their lacquered wood breast plates. The armor on their chests are crusted with salt from sweat or spray from the brine sea less than a mile from the door of this House.
The Player Characters are somewhere in this small, sparsely furnished room when a pair of small hooded figures walk in. They stand about 3 feet tall, astute observers will notice their reptilian feet hiding behind the thin robes. Their faces and heads are concealed by low hoods. They scan the room -- clearly noticing each of the Player character-- before they split off and approach the players one by one instructing them to meet outside. they reveal they are kobolds and they will bring you to something called a god (your characters are unfamiliar with the word and the very concept is alien)
Your small guides instruct your group to follow and begin walking without waiting for a response.
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