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O.J. Was Framed -- Official Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:04 pm
by don

The year is 1994. You are living in Los Angeles, trying to make an honest (or dishonest) living. Then, on June 13th, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are murdered. O.J. Simpson, America's greatest football player and co-star of 2 Naked Gun movies, is imprisoned. But there's more to this than meets the eye.

How are we doing this?

I'm going to GM the game through video, posted in the thread. Everyone will "play" their character by posting. In Gore Fest there are 3 phases of play, distinguished by their handling of time. Out of Scene is when you discuss what your character is doing over long spans of time, from hours to months, and that's where we're going to begin. If you want to play, make up a character (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22) and post their stats in this thread along with a post telling me how and why you came to be in Los Angeles in 1994. What do you do for money?

I'll give out bonus award dice based on your answer.

We can roleplay non-combat scenes and stuff here on the forum too -- but when a fight starts, we'll schedule a livestream and I'll DM it live. Post whenever you can but my goal is to wrap up this "session" after a few weeks, so I'll be making an effort to actively respond to all players posts and actions ASAP and as allowed by my work schedule.

Let's play some GORE FEST!

love don

Re: O.J. Was Framed -- Official Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:32 pm
by Ol'TwoSpoons
Bobert Keaton



Pathological Liar

Keaton is just passing through, got lost on his way to Tijuana, and doens't need money. He just needs to fix his camper before the guy who knew directions starts to stink.

Don't worry, Bigman Bobert's on the job 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: O.J. Was Framed -- Official Gameplay Thread

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:20 pm
by SpaceLions
Michael DeShawn Otis

Expert Drug Dealer
Hit Points: 13
Stunt Points: 9

Agility: d6
Speed: d10
Perception: d12
Cool: d4
Expertise (Slangin)

Wild Temper - Murder Anyone Who Pisses Me Off
Mentor - Close Friend, Died In Presence At A Ripe Old Age

Michael was a lil' hopper on the streets of Detroit at 12, had his own corner by 14, and was a trusted associate of his friend and aging mentor, Rick "Motor" Lansing by 18.
All wasn't peachy in the Lansing organization with Michael, however. He has a taste for his own product and a habit of killing anyone who disrespected him, including cops and other Lansing gang affiliates. The only thing sparing him from the chopping block was Lansing himself, who to spare his friend a swift death, used his dying wish to send Michael to Los Angeles to work for his cousin, who needed a seasoned street dealer who understands the crack cocaine market as well as the Crips and Bloods that compete with him.
Just turning 21, hot-headed, and surrounded by rivals on all sides in the heat of his first L.A. summer, it's only a matter of time before Michael finds himself creating a
wrong end of a situation to be on.

Re: O.J. Was Framed -- Official Gameplay Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:10 pm
by zombee
Steve “The Ghost” Gadd.

Class- Assassin.

HP- 10
Stunt Points- 9

Agility- D10
Speed- D4
Perception- D6
Cool- D8

Steve is pretty sure that he’ll never figure out how his dreams of being a Jazz-fusion superstar who took acid in the desert and hung out with Jaco Pastorius morphed into a reality where he has to spend four hours cutting the same track until that fake redneck Garth Brooks “feels like it’s right.” What he does know is that the amount of money he makes (which is as much as any session drummer could reasonably expect to ever make), is not enough to keep up with his longtime wife’s spending habits. Thankfully, Steve has found comfort and salvation in the fact that killing people for money does not bother him one bit. He actually sort of likes it. It actually makes his life feel a little less shit. It actually makes him forget his regret about marrying his demanding wife and getting her pregnant five times in ten years. And not just because of the money. Because the killings are all his. He doesn’t pick the targets, but he picks the where and the how. He gets to do it just how he sees fit, and that asshat Garth Brooks doesn’t get to say shit about it.

Re: O.J. Was Framed -- Official Gameplay Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:15 am
by Georg W.B.L.M.H.
Copying over from the character creation thread.

Abe Dixon, Disgraced NYS DMV Investigator
Class: Investigator
Age: 42
Hit Points: 15
Stunt Points: 5
Agility: d8
Speed: d6
Perception: d20
Cool: d4
Skill Dice:
On the Case: d10
Off the Job: d8
Quirk: Mentor (Old and Sharp-tongued, Cast out for failing to train honorably)

Six months ago, Abe was fired from the DMV for accepting bribes. Ten years ago, he was fired from NYPD for incompetence. Five years before that, he was dishonorably discharged from the National Guard for getting drunk on base. Through all of it, he never gave up and up until three months ago Uncle Roderick never gave up on him. Now Abe's out of work, without a place to live, and with a real grudge against everyone he blames for his failures. Abe drove in last week in a honda civic that was on its last legs on the road to L.A. and is now on cinder-blocks after an unfortunate 7-Eleven stop.
The guy's balding with a crown-line, wears ratty office clothing, and bears an unkempt mustache with permanent coffee-breath.