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Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:30 pm
by don
I wanna run a play by post Gore Fest game right here on the forums... the rules for Gore Fest are in Dagger's 4th online issue, available HERE:
Gore Fest is a quick, easy to play game based on action movies -- it's a chance to live out all your most violent fantasies without getting put on a government list.

We should start by making characters. This is a pretty simple process in GF, only a few steps, and you can roll dice right here on the forums by rolling dice in the Dice tab, which appears beneath your submit button along with attachments, poll creation etc

Gore Fest's character creation rules are reprinted below:
Starting A Character
1. Hit Points [3d6] A measure of physical strength and vitality. Each operative begins the game with a number of hit points equal to the throw of three six-sided dice, added together to produce a final score of 3-18.

2. Stunt Points [3d4]. Stunt points, or “Stunts,” are a kind of storytelling currency. A player may spend them to act out of turn or perform special abilities related to their character class. Each character begins the game with a number of stunt points equal to the total throw of 3d4, added together, producing a final score between 3 and 12.

3. Ability Dice [Agility, Speed, Perception & Cool] The basic physical and mental characteristics of Gore Fest characters are represented by action dice. Each ability is rated with a four-sided die, a six-sided die, an eight-sided die, a ten-sided die or a twelve-sided die. There are several options for generating abilities which your game master might employ, but the quickest method is to simply assign as desired from a pool containing a four-sided die, a six-sided die, an eight-sided die and a ten-sided die. These basic abilities are Agility, Speed, Perception and Cool.

Character Abilities

Agility – A character's natural dexterity and coordination. Used to dodge incoming attacks as well as to leap, climb and tumble.

Speed – A character's alacrity. Used to determine turn order in combat as well as in tasks requiring pure quickness, like beating someone to a draw.

Perception – Used to measure a character's alertness, aim and awareness.

Cool – You know it when you see it. Does your character know Mandarin? Make a cool roll. Did you remember to bring the cocaine? Make a cool roll. Do you win over the crowd with your intimidating presence? Maybe. Make a cool roll. Leave me alone.

Advanced Ability Generation

Assigning dice to determine a character's abilities is recommended for first-time players, but more advanced players are encouraged to generate their character's ability dice randomly. This random method uses a pool of dice containing 1d4, 2d6, 2d8,1d10 and 1d12. Throw this pool all at once and select a 'winner' by removing the lowest rolling die. If more than one die ties for the lowest roll, remove the die with the greatest number of sides from among the tied polyhedrons. Winners are removed from the pool and placed to the side. This roll is repeated four times, until 4 dice have "won" and been removed. This small pool of winners is then assigned in any order desired to a character's agility, speed, perception and cool.

Finishing a Character
4. Quirks [d4] Gore Fest characters have certain flaws, regrets or odd details that set them apart from normal people. These quirks are randomly generated by rolling percentile dice on the Quirk Table. Each character must roll on this table a number of times equal to a throw of d4.

5. All Gore Fest characters have a role in life and special skills that are determined by their character class. Each Gore Fest class is a character archetype drawn from action movies and adventure fiction, such as the tough veteran or the charismatic kingpin. After generating a character's basic abilities and quirks, a class will often suggest itself.

Summary of Classes

Veteran – Tough, deadly fighters trained in the use of modern tactics and weaponry. Veterans have more hit points than other classes, and their attacks are more punishing. Veterans are easy to play.

Martial Artist – Flashy, agile fighters who use their fists and melee weapons. Martial artists are adept at avoiding physical damage. Martial Artists are challenging to play.

Expert – Experts are highly skilled in a single skill with few direct combat implications. They may assist more martial classes with loans of stunt points, and collect on their debts to assume temporary control of other characters. Experts are easy to play.

Assassin – Smooth, stealthy killers who strike hard and vanish. Assassins are specially empowered when hired to eliminate a particular target. Assassins also have a sub-class, the Avenger, for characters whose driving force is a personal vendetta. Assassins are challenging to play.

Investigator – Clever detectives who are able to detect secrets and unravel mysteries that remain closed to other players. Investigators are some of the toughest, most survivable characters in the Gore Fest game when they are pursuing a particular case. Investigators are easy to play.

Mask – Characters of the Mask class have two identities: one is relatively mild mannered, with few relevant skills, while the other is a disguised super-being with powers that can cross into the supernatural. Masked form may only be assumed for limited periods of time in play, and players of this class must master the art of spending this time wisely. Masks are very difficult to play and are recommended for experienced players.

Kingpin – Scheming masters of men, Kingpins prefer to order about an organization of minions rather than engage in combat directly. Kingpins are difficult to play and are recommended for experienced players.

Punk – No-good, two-bit, rotten bums who persist on sheer grit, luck and bravado. Punks are unskilled but have special abilities which allow them to manipulate the system of luck which underpins the Gore Fest game. Punks are easy to play.
The Quirk Table is here:

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:43 pm
by GenerallyKilling

ikeep fuckin it up!!!

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:51 pm
by don
Oh I got it wrong -- it's not the [/roll] tag it's a box down below the submit button, along with the attachment panel and etc

It doesn't tell you your roll until you actually post, which is kinda cool

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:55 pm
by GenerallyKilling

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:56 pm
by SpaceLions
Alright I'm going to narrate this to myself so I can be smacked with a nun's ruler if I fuck up somewhere.
Rollan for hit dice:
Rollan for stunt points:
Rollan for abilities:

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:58 pm
by don
SpaceLions wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:56 pm
Alright I'm going to narrate this to myself so I can be smacked with a nun's ruler if I fuck up somewhere.
Rollan for hit dice:
Rollan for stunt points:
Rollan for abilities:
Hot tip: abilities aren't rated with a number but a type of die, so assign d4,d6,d8 and d10 to them in any arrangement you want. Like this:

Agilty d4
Speed d10
Perception d8
Cool d6

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:11 pm
by SpaceLions
Thanks Poppa Don, I have a tunneling brain parasite. I named it alcoholism.
Agility: d6
Speed: d4
Perception: d8
Cool: d10
Rolling for quirks (for some reason the dice roller doesn't appear if I'm quoting someone)

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:14 pm
by SpaceLions
K let's fuck my shit up

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:24 pm
by SpaceLions
Alright, 39 is degenerate gambler let's roll for that

Re: Let's Make Gore Fest characters!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:56 pm
by SpaceLions
Ok final lowdown
Hit points: 12
Stunt points: 9
Agility: d6
Speed: d4
Perception: d8
Cool: d10
Degenerate Gambler:
"Actually, I'm doing very well for myself."
To the Mexicans
Class: Investigator
"Odd" Bobby Brent
A former inspector of the United States Postal Inspection Service, Bobby Brent was a man made to notice the little things. A little grease on a package. An odd smell from a box. The man would rather marry his two bomb sniffing dogs, Salvation (Salvy) and Mercy than quit his job. But "Odd" had a secret. A taste for cards, and a taste for human flesh. The Postmaster General was a close friend of his and could only cover his tracks for so long. All it took was a zealous new guy striking in an election year for Bobby to be out in the cold. Bobby turned to gambling in illegal gambling dens (in both senses) and wound up under the eye of the cartels. Though he's debt free now, they haven't forgotten that night when his keen eye that served him so well won him a poker game that offended Los Zetas. Through God he managed to curb his cannibalistic ways, but the cravings still strike him. And now that he's a target of cannibal cartels, he seeks their destruction so that he may find peace.