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Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:28 am
by ArcadeWeapon
Im currently stuck with a 6 year old Asus laptop that has the horsepower of an amputated clydesdale, but out of a need to sate boredom I have downloaded what I hoped would be old enough games that would actually run--and Ive found a few pleasant surprises, hoping to add some more! These could be vintage-tier, but also semi modern-ish games that just so happen to have delightfully minimal requirements (or can at least be thoroughly scaled down and optimized)

Im dispensing with the usual list of Specs and whatnot, as the reflexive response will be "this cant run shit." Ive found that going a little off intuition has helped me discover a few games that, with a bit of tinkering, actually run moderately well.

currently ive got running smoothly:

Age of Empires 2 HD
Counter Strike Source (everything as low, turned off, and scaled back as they can go)

any games you guys know of that can boot up and remain consistent(ly shitty) enough to provide entertainment?

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:38 am
by bizzaro
ScummVM with all of the lucas arts adventure games could tide you over if that is your thing.

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:40 am
by ArcadeWeapon
bizzaro wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 5:38 am
ScummVM with all of the lucas arts adventure games could tide you over if that is your thing.

oh hell yes, didnt even think of those. thxxxx :)

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:11 am
by don
crispy doom runs on everything and you can use the original keyboard only controls

fallout 1+2

Arcanum (even hi-res patch and quality of life improvements run on a box of shit)

Commandos 1+2

Planescape Torment

Freedom Force and Freedom Force Versus the Third Reich

Flight of the Amazon Queen

Star Trek Judgement Rites

Starship Titanic


Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 4:41 pm
by SpaceLions
Dumping some of my fav indie titles:

An Untitled Story: Really in depth Metroidvania made entirely in MS Paint, so you know it's not pretentious wank like most MVs.


Crypt Worlds: First person puzzle game, surreal with multiple endings, really goddamn funny

Gradient Addiction: A game where you explore and look at the fun visuals

Hero Core: Shoot em up with exploration elements, pretty challenging and has good music

Off: Weird RPG where you play a 20s baseball batter out to dispense justice

Runman - Race Around the Word: A fun platforming game where you have to manage your jumps to maintain your speed, the OST consists of a great selection of blues and country (WARNING ITS OLD SO IT MIGHT NOT WORK)

Space Funeral: Great surreal RPG with an excellent soundtrack selection of spoken word, dark ambient, BBC Radiophonics etc. lots of funny dialogue, it's really easy so don't overthink your decisions

Space Station 13: MMO with retarded controls, lots of things you can do, and insane amounts of shenanigans to be had, if you want to spend months looking at a wiki and getting into a small dedicated community this is the game for you


Warlock Bentspine: Like Mega Man but ten times harder (couldn't find it online so I put it on my Google Drive)

Worlds: Old as shit so might not even work, but an old Second Life clone where people could make their own worlds, really surreal to explore, see if you can gain favor with the cult members who's temple world is only available by invite (you're going to have to Google-fu a lot of troubleshooting to get this working, I have long since forgotten how)

Yume Nikki: Oh my darlingest of darlings, how I love this game, and how Madotsuki is my one true waifu, basically you explore the dreams of a NEET and there are light puzzle elements based on items you get, you can download the original RPG Maker version but also know that there's a Steam port that is 100% free and runs a lot more reliably

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:03 pm
by hitagi
SpaceLions wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 4:41 pm

Crypt Worlds: First person puzzle game, surreal with multiple endings, really goddamn funny

Off: Weird RPG where you play a 20s baseball batter out to dispense justice

Space Funeral: Great surreal RPG with an excellent soundtrack selection of spoken word, dark ambient, BBC Radiophonics etc. lots of funny dialogue, it's really easy so don't overthink your decisions
Some of my favorite games of all time, tbh. Yeah, indie titles are great for people with shit PCs, they kept me going. I would also recommend zsnes, no$gba, etc for emulation as that 8-64 bit era runs really well on crapstations. For actual PC games, the OG Deus Ex is fantastic if you haven't played. The LISA Rpg is heartwrenching and low spec. Hollow Knight might work since it's 2d, but I'm not sure. Also recommending everything else in this thread.

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:26 am
by ArcadeWeapon
all of these are so damn good. thanks crew

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:33 am
by AppFata
hitagi wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 6:03 pm
SpaceLions wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 4:41 pm

Crypt Worlds: First person puzzle game, surreal with multiple endings, really goddamn funny

Off: Weird RPG where you play a 20s baseball batter out to dispense justice

Space Funeral: Great surreal RPG with an excellent soundtrack selection of spoken word, dark ambient, BBC Radiophonics etc. lots of funny dialogue, it's really easy so don't overthink your decisions
Some of my favorite games of all time, tbh. Yeah, indie titles are great for people with shit PCs, they kept me going. I would also recommend zsnes, no$gba, etc for emulation as that 8-64 bit era runs really well on crapstations. For actual PC games, the OG Deus Ex is fantastic if you haven't played. The LISA Rpg is heartwrenching and low spec. Hollow Knight might work since it's 2d, but I'm not sure. Also recommending everything else in this thread.
Those are some of my favorites, too. I haven't played Cat Planet yet, though, I'll be sure to check that out. Gradient Addiction is also quite the experience so I second that recommendation. Deus Ex is a classic, obviously, such a great game. LISA: The Painful is one of my favorite games and it's probably the most bi-polar game I've ever played. LISA makes you laugh hard, then beats you down with horrific shit, and then lifts you back up after a while with the power of comedic gold.

If you like LISA: The Painful, you should check out its predecessor, LISA: The First:
It's not a turn-based RPG like The Painful, though. It's a short 2D exploration game, kind of similar to Yume Nikki. Don't expect lots of laughter out of LISA: The First, either, the subject matter is consistently warped.

I already posted this in the Stuff to Follow thread, but it's relevant so I'll link it here, too:
WET GAMIN is ran by magicdweedoo and features some of his games, but it's not his exclusive platform. All the games on WET GAMIN are weird and really short so they're quick and interesting to play. Not technically demanding at all. I recommend SKULL MAN AND THE RACING CARS, MEALMATE™, and RABBIT GAME in particular.

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 3:10 am
by ldar
Matt Thorson games rock!!! Glad 2 see RunMan getting love. An Untitled Story is also really really fun.

Also Ngame.

Jets N Guns Gold is a really good sidescroller shooter but it still costs money :(

Re: Games that can surprisingly run on a shit laptop

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 9:32 pm
by Kobold
Pick up the old Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell games