What attracted you to DAGGER?

General posts about Dagger, books, vidcons, anime, TV, the ongoing collapse of western civilization and Don's student loans. no politics
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by Trassbin » Sun May 05, 2019 9:23 pm

Well the first time I heard about Dagger was in the comments of one of Rick Roderick's lectures, some people were asking about the rest of his life and what happened to him and his progeny post-mortem. Max was in the comments and linked to the site, afterwards when Don was on Hydewars I starred to pay more attention. I just wish I sent in something when I had the chance.
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by ArcadeWeapon » Mon May 06, 2019 2:29 am

I came across Dagger in virtually the same manner that the rest of you did--Hydewars, Dagger website, youtube channel, and here we are. and man yeah its been a great community to find. Definitely reminds me of throwback internet communities such as the Forumplanet/Gamespy Arcade days.

Pretty awesome how an appearance on Hydewars led directly to likeminded people finding this place. The power of a little exposure. Not that Don wasnt already doing his thing to great results.
Rock on!
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by AppFata » Mon May 06, 2019 3:05 am

This post is very delayed, but like most others, I saw Don on Hydewars and really liked his take on academia and just overall got the impression he was a funny and interesting guy who was familiar with internet subcultures (8chan, etc.) It took me a while to get around to it, but reading Dagger magazine was and is something really special. As someone who's spent a lot of his youth on imageboards and other places online, I get a kind of "kindred spirit" vibe from a lot of the stories and essays featured in Dagger. I've only recently started to read in any notable capacity so I'm really "behind" in terms of literature, but reading through Dagger has been a great and enriching pleasure and it only makes me want to read more in general.
Trassbin wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 9:23 pm
Well the first time I heard about Dagger was in the comments of one of Rick Roderick's lectures, some people were asking about the rest of his life and what happened to him and his progeny post-mortem. Max was in the comments and linked to the site, afterwards when Don was on Hydewars I starred to pay more attention. I just wish I sent in something when I had the chance.
That's pretty cool! I've been meaning to watch Rick Roderick's lectures on YouTube and I only became more interested when I found out that Max is his son. I especially like Final Reality and Three Versions of Satan. In regards to submissions, I think Fuck You and Live is kind of like an open place for forum members to submit their written works so you could still post there, if you want.
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by Donj Olly » Mon May 06, 2019 3:25 am

I'm just a normal guy looking for WAREZ ROMS and dark web cryptocurrency stores
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by Ghân » Mon May 06, 2019 3:46 am

P.S. When I was a kid, my first idea for a rock band name was Dagger. To my mind it was tough, rockin', masculine. The real DAGGER logo is something akin to the logo I had in my imagination at that age. As someone else said in the thread there's a "kindred spirit" thing going on, and that they named the magazine DAGGER satisfies my inner child somehow.
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by SwiFT » Mon May 06, 2019 7:14 am

hitagi wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:16 pm
i remember reading don's bernstein post on r/mde back when the whole blockhead joe fiasco was in full force. fast forward a lil bit and he had advertised dagger issue 1 on the sub. loved every word of it and have been following it since. i was afraid that after sword of trump the engine driving this creative force of nature had died, and it brings me so much joy that we now have a community to bask in dagger's glow collectively.
I miss /r/mde so damn much. The cumtown reddit doesn't come close because it's ruined by half, if not most, of the users being chapotraphouse users.

It's kind of incredible to think about how awesome Twitter and reddit were before the election. On Twitter you could say virtually anything to anyone and never get banned. One of reddit's most active subs was fucking /r/coontown. Surreal to even imagine that now.
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by ZugIslandProdigy » Mon May 13, 2019 6:56 am

Came from the MDE subreddit (rip) where I lurked
AKA SurfRockFanatic
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by vanya » Tue May 14, 2019 6:12 am

Heard about Don after he messaged me for being a runner-up the MDE writing contest, and looked up his name to find the Dagger mag website. I'm a little skeptical about outsider publications, because they tend to be shit. They are outside the literary establishment for good reason. I checked out some of the stories, had a few chuckles, and bookmarked the website. What converted me was the editor's note on the newest online edition, where Don talked about politics as a means to posture, specifically how grassroots progressivism today has been whittled down to a novelty, a nostalgic roleplaying game for the youth. The political complacency and decadence of the young generation is not a new idea (and not new to the current times either, listen to "Maybe Partying Will Help" by the Minutemen), but I appreciated the lucidity of Don's writing, along with the fact that no one seems to be talking about this stuff in an intelligent manner. Every literary outlet seems to be attacking things that are either obvious or not even worth talking about. Go to the McSweeney's website and you'll see 200 snarky stories critiquing the vapidness of social media branding, reality tv, corny political candidates etc. etc. These people have no balls in their writing, no creativity, except pompous assurance in their "left-leaning" beliefs, wafting in the smell of their own farts, endlessly. It has become clear to me that the truth, whatever that may mean, has to come from down under--the anonymized, chaotic boards of 4chan/8chan, the last vanguard where authority has not made its grip. Don understands this, and his stance on the importance of shitposting in shaping and discovering the truth is original and it's fucking true. The phrase, "Trump is the first president that was elected by shitposting" is brilliant, and I bring it up to my friends all the time (one of my friends, a sociology major, is considering writing a thesis on this topic after my constant propagandizing). I wouldn't have had this realization if it wasn't for Dagger. As for the print magazine, I was impressed not only by the content, but the aesthetics and the obvious effort that went to it. To see people with similar sensibilities put so much passion into a project, outside the realm of public opinion, is beautiful, redemptive. I interpreted the last page, where they shout out God, as genuine. If anyone understands God, what it means to live outside yourself, for others, for the truth, it seems to be the people here, and for that I am thankful. Amen.
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by gentlesire » Tue May 14, 2019 6:23 am

came from the HW episode, stayed for the Jordan Benis Penison impression
I was jerking myself off
The sun rose anew
And cum splashed onto my knee
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Re: What attracted you to DAGGER?

Post by raj » Fri May 17, 2019 3:50 am

goatse coin
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