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Post by Ol'TwoSpoons » Sat May 18, 2019 7:08 am

Tonight is the night of Big Moon
Watch Out

Everyone has had some type of encounter with the unreal and the ones who say otherwise are ghosts. Cryptids, phantoms, lmaos, really big fish, unworldly cognitive distortion, or really good coincidences. Anything you can think of, its just gotta be spooky and true :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
I've got at least two, and so can you.
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Post by yoku » Sat May 18, 2019 6:54 pm

I visited my friend on Maui. We had been friends since the fourth grade mainly due to me being new to the school with major attention problems and let’s call my friend Piss (not in a derogatory way but because it rhymes with his name) being even more hyper active then me.

Piss was and is extremely physically talented. He could surf in 4th grade better than any one and would do gainers off of roofs into pools and stuff. He was also extremely rich. His dad had been an early tech entrepreneur and it showed. They had a house next to Tom Selleck’s house during the Magnum PI days. By 7th grade Piss’s parents we already medicating him (just like I was medicated but in a more designer way) and decided that the best course of action was to ship him off to Exeter boarding school on the east coast.

Piss would visit from time to time showcasing the latest designer drugs that parents were giving kids and we would have a blast. After college in an act of self flagellation and a big fuck you to his parents he went to Iraq and Afghanistan working on clandestine operations under the guise of NGO work and got paid $750,000 a year for his troubles. Those troubles amounted to too much for him and he had to stop. Though he would never claim PTSD the tell tale signs were there. He moved back to hawaii to property his family owned to start his business of Maui’s only licensed marijuana farm and this is where my encounter begins.

The property had been one of the oldest sugar plantations in hawaii and served as the entrance point for the majority of the Japanese immigrant laborers to hawaii. It was also built on an old Hawaiian Ali’i (Royalty) road and thus was thought to be eternally cursed by spirits because to build any where near the roads of the Ali’i was Kapu (forbidden).

My brother in-law joined me on the trip and we stayed in a cottage on the far side of the property. We had a great night of story telling and drinking and then we went to our respective rooms. I passed out on top of the sheets wearing just board shorts and a tank top in the cool island breeze when suddenly I was awoken by an immense pressure on my chest, a Smokey ozone smell filled my nostrils. I tried to get up but my body was paralyzed. I could barely see in the room but the giant pane glass window that only partially exposed the darkness outside was catching a strange light the reflected directly into my eyes. Voices whispered in my head. Laughter echoed but I didn’t hear it with my ears. I could feel fingers pulling all over my body. My legs shot straight and strained beyond what my conscience ability would allow as a ghostly thin protrusion entered my anus. All the terrible thoughts that my mind had ever had flooded in. My body arched to the point of near levitation.

I don’t know what was worse, the terrifying self aware thoughts or the very real physical assault I was enduring. My mouth gapped in a soundless scream. Then a thought or apparition, an angel appeared and i felt what ever demon was attacking me withdraw. Just as soon as it had started it was over. I could move my body. I was covered in sweat and felt like an animal had mauled me.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled into my brothers-in-law’s room. He was lying in his bed, eyes wide open. I looked at him and said “james I’m scared.” He looked back at me and said “ they got you too?” He turned his head revealing long red finger marks wrapping around his neck. We spent the rest of the night in the same room with the lights on.

The next day we told Piss what had happened (excluded the butt part). Piss told us we were crazy but come to think of it there were legends of a particularly cruel plantation boss that had been found after his death to have been a murderer of immigrant Japanese laborers. A grave full of skeletons had been found near his house. His house which had stood on the site of the very cottage in which we were now in.

I don’t know if it was the finger or the pencil dick of that vile ghost that had raped me but suffice to say that I never returned to that accursed place.
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